
Datasetsort descending Project Validated Version
(DRAFT) Individual oyster results from reciprocal transplant experiment Collaborative research: Quantifying the influence of nonconsumptive predator effects on prey population dynamics (Predatory NCEs and Scale) Yes 1
10mEPOCS5 U.S. JGOFS Equatorial Pacific (EqPac) Yes March 20, 1995
10mEPOCS7 U.S. JGOFS Equatorial Pacific (EqPac) Yes March 20, 1995
13C incubation cell counts Microbial ecology of coexisting ecotypes: Are all Prochlorococcus equal? (ProEco) Yes 1
13C samples Center for Microbial Oceanography: Research and Education (C-MORE) No (See Platform Deployments)
13C-sterols Collaborative Research: Effects of Marine Algal Sterols on Zooplankton Growth and Reproduction (PhytosterolsZooplank) Yes 2015-08-27
14C 32Si Experimental - from RR1813 Collaborative Research: Diatoms, Food Webs and Carbon Export - Leveraging NASA EXPORTS to Test the Role of Diatom Physiology in the Biological Carbon Pump (Diatoms and carbon export) Yes 1
15N Addition to Open System Mesocosms Microbial Regulation of Greenhouse Gas N2O Emission from Intertidal Oyster Reefs (Oyster Reef N2O Emission) No 14 October 2016
15N Rate Summary Collaborative Research: Chemoautotrophy in Antarctic Bacterioplankton Communities Supported by the Oxidation of Urea-derived Nitrogen (Oxidation of Urea N) Yes 2
15N Uptake Rates Determining rates of group-specific phytoplankton and bacterial uptake of inorganic and organic nitrogen by means of stable isotope techniques (Marine Nitrogen Cycling by Stable Isotope Probing) Yes 09 January 2014
15N2 samples Center for Microbial Oceanography: Research and Education (C-MORE) No
16S and 18S rRNA gene amplicon sequences Collaborative Research: Building a framework for the role of bacterial-derived chemical signals in mediating phytoplankton population dynamics (HHQSignals) No 1
16S and nifH Sequence Data Nitrogen Fixing Prokaryotes in Corals: Is Nitrogen Fixation a Core Function of the Coral Microbiome? (NitroFixCorals) Yes 1
16S rRNA accessions: IODP Site 1244 Functional gene diversity and expression in methane-hydrate bearing deep subsurface sediments (Methane-Hydrate Sediment Omics) Yes 2015-12-02
16S rRNA and hydrazine oxidoreductase genes Implication of ANAMMOX community structure and microbial interactions in estuarine N removal processes (Estuarine ANAMMOX) Yes 08 Oct 2013
16S rRNA clone library Cobalt, Iron and Micro-organisms from the Upwelling zone to the Gyre (GAc01) (CoFeMUG) No 10 March 2011
16S rRNA gene Amplicon Library Collaborative Research: Ocean Acidification: microbes as sentinels of adaptive responses to multiple stressors: contrasting estuarine and open ocean environments (OA microbe adaptation)

Pivers Island Coastal Observatory (PICO)
No Final
16S rRNA gene and particulate monooxygenase diversity Structure, Function and Evolution of Authigenic, Methane-Derived Carbonate Ecosystems (Authigenic Carbonate Ecosystems) Yes 2014-01-31
16S rRNA gene clones from NE Pacific bacterioplankton Mixotrophic bacteria and the cryptic marine sulfur cycle: Mechanisms of carbon assimilation and sulfur oxidation in the Arctic96BD-19 GSO clade (Sulfur Oxidizers) Yes final
16S rRNA gene from DNA An In-Depth analysis of the subvent biosphere within Okinawa Backarc Basin (IODP 331, Iheya North Hydrothermal Field) sediments (Subvent_Biosphere_Sediments) Yes 1
16S rRNA gene from RNA An In-Depth analysis of the subvent biosphere within Okinawa Backarc Basin (IODP 331, Iheya North Hydrothermal Field) sediments (Subvent_Biosphere_Sediments) Yes 1
16S rRNA gene sequences IODP Expedition 336 Objective Research: The deep biosphere of young and oxic oceanic crust (North Pond basalts) Yes 07 Feb 2016
16S rRNA gene sequences from iron mats Ecology of microbial mats at seamount associated Fe-rich hydrothermal vent systems (Ecology of Vent Mats) Yes
16S rRNA gene sequences of bacteria from members of an Arctic clade Mixotrophic bacteria and the cryptic marine sulfur cycle: Mechanisms of carbon assimilation and sulfur oxidation in the Arctic96BD-19 GSO clade (Sulfur Oxidizers) Yes final
16S rRNA sequence and collection data An Integrated Study of Energy Metabolism, Carbon Fixation, and Colonization Mechanisms in Chemosynthetic Microbial Communities at Deep-Sea Vents (Microbial Communities at Deep-Sea Vents) Yes
16S rRNA sequence metadata from 2022 nutrient and disease exposure () No 1
16S rRNA Sequences Function, activity, and adaptation of microbial communities in geochemically diverse subseafloor habitats (AXIAL) Yes 27 Jan 2016
16S rRNA sequences for outplanted Acropora cervicornis sexual recruits Collaborative Research: Tracking the interacting roles of the environment, host genotype, and a novel Rickettsiales in coral disease susceptibility (Coral Rickettsiales) No 1
16S V4 rRNA gene tag sequences from reef seawater EAGER: Collaborative Research: Quantifying coral microbiome dynamics under change (Quantitative coral microbiomes) Yes 1
17D and isotopic ratios Collaborative Research: Use of Triple Oxygen Isotopes and O2/Ar to constrain Net/Gross Oxygen Production during upwelling and non-upwelling periods in a Coastal Setting (UpRISEE O2 upwelling) Yes 1
18O-labeled water CAREER: The biological nitrogen isotope systematics of ammonium consumption and production (Biological Nitrogen Isotope Fractionation) Yes 1
18s DNA sequences of potential prey of siphonophores Collaborative research: The effects of predator traits on the structure of oceanic food webs (SiphWeb) No 1
18S rRNA gene tag sequences from DNA and RNA Protistan, prokaryotic, and viral processes at the San Pedro Ocean Time-series (SPOT) Yes 1
18S rRNA genes Oligotrophic phytoplankton community response to changes in N substrates and the resulting impact on genetic, taxonomic and functional diversity (PhytoNsubResponse) Yes
1993_avhrr U.S. GLOBEC Georges Bank (GB) Yes 1993-12-31
1994_avhrr U.S. GLOBEC Georges Bank (GB) Yes 1994-12-30
1995_avhrr U.S. GLOBEC Georges Bank (GB) Yes 1995-12-31
1996_avhrr U.S. GLOBEC Georges Bank (GB) Yes 1996-12-30
1997_avhrr U.S. GLOBEC Georges Bank (GB) Yes 1997-12-31
1998_avhrr U.S. GLOBEC Georges Bank (GB) Yes 1998-12-31
1999_avhrr U.S. GLOBEC Georges Bank (GB) Yes 1999-12-31
1d_model_simulations Center for Microbial Oceanography: Research and Education (C-MORE) No
1_copepod gut fluorescence Feeding and food limitation in copepod nauplii, the neglected life stage (food limitation in copepod nauplii) Yes 2015-01-15
2000_avhrr U.S. GLOBEC Georges Bank (GB) Yes 2000-12-31
2001_avhrr U.S. GLOBEC Georges Bank (GB) Yes 2001-12-31
2002_avhrr U.S. GLOBEC Georges Bank (GB) Yes 2002-12-31
2003_avhrr U.S. GLOBEC Georges Bank (GB) Yes 2003-12-18
2006-2017_summer_bottom_GoM Collaborative Research: pH Dynamics and Interactive Effects of Multiple Processes in a River-Dominated Eutrophic Coastal Ocean (nGOMx acidification) Yes 1
2014 Antarctic krill feeding experiments Collaborative Research: Synergistic effects of Elevated Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Temperature on the Metabolism, Growth, and Reproduction of Antarctic Krill (Euphausia superba) (OA Krill) Yes 1
2014 Antarctic krill growth experiment Collaborative Research: Synergistic effects of Elevated Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Temperature on the Metabolism, Growth, and Reproduction of Antarctic Krill (Euphausia superba) (OA Krill) Yes 1
2014 NOAA Seamap Cruise Stations Collaborative Research: Consequences of sub-lethal hypoxia exposure for teleosts tracked with biogeochemical markers: a trans-basin comparison (OtolithHypoxia) 03 September 2015
2015 Antarctic krill growth experiment 1 Collaborative Research: Synergistic effects of Elevated Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Temperature on the Metabolism, Growth, and Reproduction of Antarctic Krill (Euphausia superba) (OA Krill) Yes 1
2015 Antarctic krill growth experiment 2 Collaborative Research: Synergistic effects of Elevated Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Temperature on the Metabolism, Growth, and Reproduction of Antarctic Krill (Euphausia superba) (OA Krill) Yes 1
2015 NOAA Seamap Cruise Stations Collaborative Research: Consequences of sub-lethal hypoxia exposure for teleosts tracked with biogeochemical markers: a trans-basin comparison (OtolithHypoxia) Yes working on final
2017 Wire Flyer 4Hz data Collaborative Research: A metabolic index to predict the consequences of climate change for midwater ecosystems (Metabolic Index) Yes 1
2017 Wire Flyer CTD data Collaborative Research: A metabolic index to predict the consequences of climate change for midwater ecosystems (Metabolic Index) Yes 1
2017 Wire Flyer ECOpuck Fluorometer data Collaborative Research: A metabolic index to predict the consequences of climate change for midwater ecosystems (Metabolic Index) Yes 1
2017 Wire Flyer GPS data Collaborative Research: A metabolic index to predict the consequences of climate change for midwater ecosystems (Metabolic Index) Yes 1
2017 Wire Flyer Oxygen data Collaborative Research: A metabolic index to predict the consequences of climate change for midwater ecosystems (Metabolic Index) Yes 1
2017-2018-2019 BBL_CTD/Rosette Benthic Biogeochemical Exchange Dynamics on the Oregon Shelf (BBEDOS) Yes 1
2017-2019_GOM_Meta_Discrete_submission Collaborative Research: pH Dynamics and Interactive Effects of Multiple Processes in a River-Dominated Eutrophic Coastal Ocean (nGOMx acidification) Yes 1
2018 Galapagos Fish Survey: observations and temperature The Role of Temperature in Regulating Herbivory and Algal Biomass in Upwelling Systems (Temperature and Herbivory) No 1
2018 Galapagos Fish Survey: species list The Role of Temperature in Regulating Herbivory and Algal Biomass in Upwelling Systems (Temperature and Herbivory) No 1
2018 Hurricane Season: Water and sediment microbes 2018 Hurricane Season: RAPID: Associated Priming of Carbon in the Albemarle-Pamlico Estuarine System (APES), the Mid-Atlantic Bight and Gulf Stream (GSPS Hurricane) No 1
2018 Hurricane Season: Water column properties, collection information, and carbon geochemistry 2018 Hurricane Season: RAPID: Associated Priming of Carbon in the Albemarle-Pamlico Estuarine System (APES), the Mid-Atlantic Bight and Gulf Stream (GSPS Hurricane) No 1
2018 radiocarbon Hurricane Harvey Impacts on Local and Landscape Scale Salt Marsh Carbon Storage (Harvey Marsh Carbon Storage) Yes 1
2018 Ross Sea Crystal Krill Grazing Using Bio-acoustics on an Autonomous Surveying Platform for the Examination of Phytoplankton-zooplankton and Fish Interactions in the Western Ross Sea (bio-acoustic plankton surveys) Yes 1
2018 Ross Sea Zooplankton Abundance: IKMT Using Bio-acoustics on an Autonomous Surveying Platform for the Examination of Phytoplankton-zooplankton and Fish Interactions in the Western Ross Sea (bio-acoustic plankton surveys) Yes 4
2018 Ross Sea Zooplankton Abundance: Ring net Using Bio-acoustics on an Autonomous Surveying Platform for the Examination of Phytoplankton-zooplankton and Fish Interactions in the Western Ross Sea (bio-acoustic plankton surveys) Yes 2
2018 Salt Pond Trojan Horses in the Marine Realm: Protist Parasite-host Dynamics in Coastal Waters (Coastal Parasites) Yes 1
2018 sediment properties: Anahuac and Aransas Hurricane Harvey Impacts on Local and Landscape Scale Salt Marsh Carbon Storage (Harvey Marsh Carbon Storage) Yes 1
2018 Wire Flyer 4Hz data Collaborative research: Quantifying the biological, chemical, and physical linkages between chemosynthetic communities and the surrounding deep sea (Costa Rica Seeps) No 1
2018 Wire Flyer CTD data Collaborative research: Quantifying the biological, chemical, and physical linkages between chemosynthetic communities and the surrounding deep sea (Costa Rica Seeps) No 1
2018 Wire Flyer ECOpuck Fluorometer data Collaborative research: Quantifying the biological, chemical, and physical linkages between chemosynthetic communities and the surrounding deep sea (Costa Rica Seeps) No 1
2018 Wire Flyer GPS data Collaborative research: Quantifying the biological, chemical, and physical linkages between chemosynthetic communities and the surrounding deep sea (Costa Rica Seeps) No 1
2018 Wire Flyer Oxygen data Collaborative research: Quantifying the biological, chemical, and physical linkages between chemosynthetic communities and the surrounding deep sea (Costa Rica Seeps) No 1
2019 BAIT / GApr13 Dissolved Iron Concentration and Isotopes Collaborative Research: Determining the isotopic signature of iron released via ligand-mediated dissolution of atmospheric dust in the surface ocean (Dust Ligand Interactions)

NSFGEO-NERC: Collaborative Research: Using Time-series Field Observations to Constrain an Ocean Iron Model (BAIT)
Yes 1
2019 BAIT Dissolved Iron Speciation NSFGEO-NERC: Collaborative Research: Using Time-series Field Observations to Constrain an Ocean Iron Model (BAIT) Yes 1
2019 BAIT Dissolved Nickel Speciation NSFGEO-NERC: Collaborative Research: Using Time-series Field Observations to Constrain an Ocean Iron Model (BAIT) Yes 1
2019 BAIT Particulate Metals NSFGEO-NERC: Collaborative Research: Using Time-series Field Observations to Constrain an Ocean Iron Model (BAIT) Yes 1
2023 Bottom Temperature Data RUI: Collaborative Research: Linking physiological thermal thresholds to the distribution of lobster settlers and juveniles (Lobster Thermal Thresholds) No 1
234Th Collaborative Research: Use of Triple Oxygen Isotopes and O2/Ar to constrain Net/Gross Oxygen Production during upwelling and non-upwelling periods in a Coastal Setting (UpRISEE O2 upwelling) Yes 08 March 2017
234Th - AN10 Amazon iNfluence on the Atlantic: CarbOn export from Nitrogen fixation by DiAtom Symbioses (ANACONDAS) No 1
234Th Based POC Export U.S. JGOFS Synthesis and Modeling (SMP) Yes 10 May 2004
234Th Flux Evaluating the relative importance of suspended and sinking particles to the meso and bathypelagic food web in the central North Pacific (SuspendSinkPart)

Collaborative Research: Isotopic insights to mercury in marine food webs and how it varies with ocean biogeochemistry (Hg_Biogeochemistry)
Yes 1
234Th Upwelling Collaborative Research: Use of Triple Oxygen Isotopes and O2/Ar to constrain Net/Gross Oxygen Production during upwelling and non-upwelling periods in a Coastal Setting (UpRISEE O2 upwelling) Yes 08 March 2017
25mEPOCS7 U.S. JGOFS Equatorial Pacific (EqPac) Yes March 20, 1995
2dmodel_m2only U.S. GLOBEC Georges Bank (GB) Yes final
2OEC-instrument Current Flow and Oxygen Collaborative Research: Robust optode-based eddy correlation systems for oxygen flux measurements in aquatic environments (Robust optode-based eddy correlation systems) No 1
2_feeding-copepod chlorophyll uptake Feeding and food limitation in copepod nauplii, the neglected life stage (food limitation in copepod nauplii) Yes 2015-01-15
3 Species Coral Growth Positive Effects of Coral Biodiversity on Coral Performance: Patterns, Processes, and Dynamics (Coral Biodiversity) No 1
3 Species Macroalgal Cover Positive Effects of Coral Biodiversity on Coral Performance: Patterns, Processes, and Dynamics (Coral Biodiversity) No 1
3 Species Tissue Mortality Positive Effects of Coral Biodiversity on Coral Performance: Patterns, Processes, and Dynamics (Coral Biodiversity) No 1
3-D Basin-Scale Ecosystem Model of the North Atlantic U.S. JGOFS Synthesis and Modeling (SMP) Yes 8 November 2005
3-D Ecosystem Model of the Ross Sea U.S. JGOFS Synthesis and Modeling (SMP) Yes 21 September 2004
32Si and 14C Production - Experiments - from DY131 Collaborative Research: Diatoms, Food Webs and Carbon Export - Leveraging NASA EXPORTS to Test the Role of Diatom Physiology in the Biological Carbon Pump (Diatoms and carbon export) Yes 1
32Si and 14C Production - Profiles - from DY131 Collaborative Research: Diatoms, Food Webs and Carbon Export - Leveraging NASA EXPORTS to Test the Role of Diatom Physiology in the Biological Carbon Pump (Diatoms and carbon export) Yes 1
