Dataset: alongtrackoc
Deployment: OC301

Oceanus alongtrack ship data, GLOBEC Georges Bank cruises, 1997.
Principal Investigator: 
James P. Manning (Northeast Fisheries Science Center - Woods Hole, NOAA NEFSC)
BCO-DMO Data Manager: 
Ms Dicky Allison (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, WHOI BCO-DMO)

Oceanus Cruises: 296, 301 and 303
Shipboard meteorology and sea surface measurements
along the ship's track

I (Jim Manning) suggest that investigators use Dick Payne's version of OCEANUS alongtrack data. The raw data I post here was processed primarily while underway and has obvious problems. There are unrealistic (sometimes negative) temperature and eratic salinity. Winds are of especially poor quality as noted below.

I have been delayed in getting this data on-line because I am not happy with my "corrected" wind (with ships motion removed) and, I am still not comfortable with posting the corrected wind so I have added a comment on the fact that it is questionable. I have notified the OCEANUS SSSG people about this problem. In the meantime I suggest that any one interested in wind for these periods use the NOAA buoy winds or Dick Paynes OCEANUS alongtrack data instead.

Data submitted by:
James Manning
National Marine Fisheries Service
Woods Hole, MA 02543

voice:  508-495-2211 
fax:    508-495-2258

Last modified: Sept 16, 2005; gfh w/ input from J.Manning
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