Dataset: spherical_par
Deployment: EN262

Photosynthetically available radiation
Principal Investigator: 
Jeff Van Keuren (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, WHOI)
BCO-DMO Data Manager: 
Ms Dicky Allison (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, WHOI)

Photosynthetically Available Radiation


  1. Most information regarding individual profiles is provided with the individual data files (location, correction to GMT, light units, sensor type and characteristics, date of latest calibration).
  2. Upcast and downcast profiles sorted separately by depth, then time. Downcast listed first. Raw values listed - no averaging.
  3. All profiles were taken with the same two (Biospherical Instruments, Inc. San Diego, CA) instruments: underwater unit (PUV-500) and matched deck unit (PUV-510). Last Calibration of Sensors: 15 DEC 95.
  4. The December 1995 recalibration results have been applied to all readings. The change in calibrations from the previous April 1993 factory measurements were less than 2%.
  5. All profiles were taken from same location on the R/V Endeavor: starboard side using the J-frame. Whenever sea condition allowed, the ship was turned such that the sun was shining on the starboard side and as close to amidship as possible.
Dr Jeff Van Keuren                           
Wood Hole Oceanographic Inst.      
Woods Hole, MA 02543-1521 
Updated: August 31, 2004; G.Heimerdinger
More information about this dataset deployment