PI: Raymond Sambrotto
of: Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
dataset: N-15 uptake rates for nitrate, ammonium and urea;
Concentration of ammonium, urea and particulate C and N
dates: March 14, 1995 to April 07, 1995
location: N: 22.4825 S: 10.0057 W: 57.3032 E: 68.739
project/cruise: Arabian Sea/TTN-045 - Process Cruise 2 (Spring Intermonsoon)
ship: Thomas Thompson
Note from R. Sambrotto:
The data served as of August 12, 1997 have been modified in the
following ways from the data served prior to this date:
1) More particulate nitrogen, particulate carbon and nanomolar
ammonium data have been added that were not included with the
initial data release.
2) The uptake rates for nitrate, ammonium and urea needed to be
recomputed using the correct 15N isotope addition concentrations.
1. Ammonium - nanomolar ammonium concentrations, as measured by a
spectrophotometric procedure based on the Berthelot reaction followed
by an extraction step to concentrate the indophenol.
a) Brzezinski, M.A. (1987) Colorimetric
Determination of nanomolar concentrations of
ammonium in seawater using solvent extraction.
Marine Chemistry, 20, 277-288.
b) Selmer, J.S. and F. Sorensson (1986) New
Procedure for extraction of ammonium from natural
waters for 15N isotopic ratio determinations.
Applied Environmental Microbiology, 52, 577-579.
2. Urea - urea concentration as measured by a spectrophotometric
procedure based on the diacetylmonoxime reaction.
Whitledge, T.E., S.C. Malloy, et al. (1981)
Automated nutrient analysis in seawater. Department
of Energy and Environment, Brookhaven National
Laboratory, Upton, NY.
3. N-15 uptake -
A. Uptake rates for nitrate and urea were measured by incubation
experiments to follow the incorporation of trace additions of N-15
labeled substrate into particulate material collected by Whatman GF/F
Sambrotto,R.N., J.H. Martin, et al. (1993) Nitrate
utilization in surface waters of the Iceland Basin
during spring and summer of 1989. Deep-Sea Research II.
Vol. 40, No.1/2, 441-457.
B. Methodology for ammonium rates was similar to that for
nitrate and urea, except that modified isotope dilution model was used
to calculate uptake.
Glibert, P. M., F. Lipschultz, et al. (1982).
Isotope dilution models of uptake and remineralization
of ammonium by phytoplankton. Limnology and
Oceanography 27: 639-650.
4. Particulate carbon and nitrogen - the concentration of either
particulate carbon or nitrogen as measured by collection on Whatman
GF/F filters, followed by Dumas combustion, cryogenic separation and
manometric analysis.