PI: John Hedges (Hedges/Lee/Wakeham)
of: University of Washington
dataset: Particulate C, N and carbohydrates from moored sediment traps
dates: February 3, 1992 to December 13, 1992
location: N: 9 S: 0 W: -140 E: -140
project/cruise: Mooring Deployment EQPAC-1 along 140 West W9201B
ship: R/V Wecoma
PI Notes
Note on Peter Hernes carbohydrate sediment trap data - EQPAC
IRS Traps refer to "Indented Rotating Sphere Traps".
The IRS traps had one poison diffuser with approximately
400 g NaCl and 400 mg mercuric chloride.
NVC Traps refer to "No Valve Control Traps",
these traps did not have the indented rotating sphere
valves. The NVC traps had two poison diffusers, each with
approximately 400 g NaCl and 400 mg mercuric chloride.
For more detail on sediment trap arrays see:
Cruise Report, EQPAC - 1, The First Leg of A JGOFS Study
of the Equatorial Pacific, R/V Wecoma W9201B,
January 12, 1992 to February 8, 1992,
Chief Scientist: Jack Dymond, Oregon State University
Sampling Protocols
Reference: Wilford Gardner (Texas A&M University) report on the use of sediment
traps in upper 200m of the water column originally written as minutes for the
meeting on the subject at the First International JGOFS Symposium held in
Villefranche-sur-Mer, France in May, 1995, and eventually published as:
Gardner, W. D., 2000. Sediment Trap Technology and Sampling in Surface Waters
In: Hanson, R. B., Ducklow, H.W., and Field, J.G., The Changing Ocean Carbon Cycle:
A midterm synthesis of the Joint Global Ocean Flux Study. pp 240-281.
Cambridge University Press, U.S. JGOFS Contribution No. 362.