PI: Richard Barber, Duke University
John Marra, Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory
Walker Smith, Virginia Institute of Marine Science
dataset: Primary Production, incubated in situ, 24 hours
technician: Michael Hiscock, Duke University
dates: February 24, 1998 to March 14, 1998
location: N: -54.3333 S: -70.4077 W: -173.3333 E: -165.9245
project/cruise: AESOPS/RR_KIWI09; APFZ Process Cruise 2
ship: R/V Roger Revelle
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- Smith, W. O., Jr., R. T. Barber, M. R. Hiscock and J. Marra (submitted)
The Seasonal Cycle of Phytoplankton Biomass and Primary Productivity
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- Barber, R. T., L. Borden, Z. Johnson, J. Marra, C. Knudsen, and C.C.Trees
(1997) Ground truthing modeled kpar and on deck primary productivity
incubations with in situ observations. SPIE 2963, 834-839.
- Barber, R. T. and F. P. Chavez (1991) Regulation of primary productivity
rate in the equatorial Pacific Ocean. Limnol. Oceanogr. 36, 1803-1815.
- Morel, A. (1988) Optical modelling of the upper ocean in relation to its
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Journal of Biophysical Research 93, 10749-10768.