"This project investigated the potential for contaminant-induced effects on reproduction and development in both nearshore and offshore cod. Heavy metals, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and oganochlorine pesticides (including DDTs) were measured in cod livers and gonads and sediments from Stellwagen Bank, Georges Bank, and Wilkinson Basin. In general, concentrations of most contaminants were found to be near or below detection limits in cod gonads. Several contaminants were detected in the cod liver including PCBs and DDTs. However, concentrations from Georges Bank were drastically lower than previously published data and below concentrations linked with reproductive or developmental toxicity in fish. Analysis of heavy metals suggests that the concentrations of metals measured in this study are within range of those previously reported in cod except for cadmium. The vast majority of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and metals detected in sediments were below NOAA's Threshold Effects Levels and chlorinated pesticides were below detection limits in the sediments. No one chemical was consistently detected at concentrations suspected of causing adverse effects in cod or their offspring. It would appear that levels of exposure to the chemical contaminants measured are unlikely to have had a considerable impact on the nearshore or offshore cod fishery."
DMO processing changes:
Instead of each chemical species being a column header, a parameter called 'contaminant' was added and associated with a 'concentration' parameter. Then each chemical species became a row instead of a column.
These rows included:
PCB1260 and PCB1254: Polychlorinated Biphenol measured in micrograms per kilogram of wet weight of fish tissue.
b-BHC and d-BHC: organochlorine pesticide measured in micrograms per kilogram of wet weight of fish tissue.
g-BHC(lindane) changed to g-BHC_lindane: organochlorine pesticide measured in micrograms per kilogram of wet weight of fish tissue.
aldrin: organochlorine pesticide measured in micrograms per kilogram of wet weight of fish tissue.
heptachlor_epox: organochlorine pesticide measured in micrograms per kilogram of wet weight of fish tissue.
Dieldrin: organochlorine pesticide measured in micrograms per kilogram of wet weight of fish tissue.
4,4'-DDE changed to 4_4-DDE: DDT metabolite measured in micrograms per kilogram of wet weight of fish tissue.
Endrin: organochlorine pesticide measured in micrograms per kilogram of wet weight of fish tissue.
4,4'-DDD changed to 4_4-DDD: DDT metabolite measured in micrograms per kilogram of wet weight of fish tissue.
4,4'-DDT changed to 4_4-DDT: DDT metabolite measured in micrograms per kilogram of wet weight of fish tissue.
alpha-Chlordane: organochlorine pesticide measured in micrograms per kilogram of wet weight of fish tissue.
amma-Chl: organochlorine pesticide measured in micrograms per kilogram of wet weight of fish tissue.