/globec/gb/eventlogs --cruiseid eq OC299-- Level 1

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#   Eventlogs from Georges Bank
# In some event logs, region information is stored in the comments f  Increase width o20, 1997 rcg  Increase width of station field by 2
# Edited December 19, 1997 rcg Access next level via object name
# Edited January 14, 1998 rcg Access next level via method and file object spec
#  This is for adding timezone into the records.  mda 02/28/02
#   Edited Nov 14, 2006, OC275,  correct year from 1995 to 96, gfh
#   Recreated Feb. 2011 to put timediff ('timezone') in every record and to 
#     fix some errors in typing -- dld
# R/V Oceanus cruise OC299, Craig Lee Chief Scientist
# All event log times are local (EST). A single cast sequence logs
# SeaSoar deployments and recovees. s/e refers to start
# and ennnd times and reg. refers to region, neither of which is used here.
# Move instrument text to comment field for events 1 and 18 rcg 6/24/1998
# Changes 02/14/05; GFH; event 5 lon from -66 to -67 only an hour difference
#        between event 5 and 6 distance too great for time allowed,
# Added timediff to every record 2/3/11 - dld
cruiseid  year  platform  
OC299     1997  Oceanus   
event          inst                      cast     station          station_std  day_local  month_local  time_local   se_flag  timediff  lat          lon          depth_w  depth    si                           region                        day_gmt  month_gmt  time_gmt  comments  
1              Mooring                   1        nd               nd           3          3            0624         s        +5        40.8673      -68.5105     nd       nd       Lee                          nd                            03       03         1124      Deploy Schlitz Mooring  
2              SeaSoar                   1        nd               nd           3          3            0824         s        +5        40.6267      -68.3015     nd       nd       Lee                          nd                            03       03         1324      deploy    
3              SeaSoar                   1        nd               nd           3          3            1004         e        +5        40.4642      -68.2292     nd       nd       Lee                          nd                            03       03         1504      recover   
4              SeaSoar                   2        nd               nd           3          3            1246         s        +5        40.4418      -67.9170     nd       nd       Lee                          nd                            03       03         1746      deploy    
5              SeaSoar                   2        nd               nd           3          3            2116         e        +5        40.6985      -66.8270     nd       nd       Lee                          nd                            04       03         0216      recover   
6              SeaSoar                   3        nd               nd           3          3            2225         s        +5        40.6667      -67.7833     nd       nd       Lee                          nd                            04       03         0325      deploy    
7              SeaSoar                   3        nd               nd           4          3            1230         e        +5        40.9322      -65.3943     nd       nd       Lee                          nd                            04       03         1730      recover   
8              SeaSoar                   4        nd               nd           4          3            2020         s        +5        41.0125      -65.4772     nd       nd       Lee                          nd                            05       03         0120      deploy    
9              SeaSoar                   4        nd               nd           5          3            0445         e        +5        41.4785      -66.5143     nd       nd       Lee                          nd                            05       03         0945      recover   
10             SeaSoar                   5        nd               nd           5          3            0826         s        +5        41.5803      -66.5162     nd       nd       Lee                          nd                            05       03         1326      deploy    
11             SeaSoar                   5        nd               nd           6          3            0420         e        +5        40.8785      -65.8978     nd       nd       Lee                          nd                            06       03         0920      recover   
12             SeaSoar                   6        nd               nd           8          3            0605         s        +5        40.9837      -66.1175     nd       nd       Lee                          nd                            08       03         1105      deploy    
13             SeaSoar                   6        nd               nd           8          3            0740         e        +5        41.0635      -66.2833     nd       nd       Lee                          nd                            08       03         1240      recover   
14             SeaSoar                   7        nd               nd           8          3            1003         s        +5        40.9975      -66.1555     nd       nd       Lee                          nd                            08       03         1503      deploy    
15             SeaSoar                   7        nd               nd           9          3            0130         e        +5        41.3008      -66.3132     nd       nd       Lee                          nd                            09       03         0630      recover   
16             SeaSoar                   8        nd               nd           9          3            1616         s        +5        41.1485      -66.0018     nd       nd       Lee                          nd                            09       03         2116      deploy    
17             SeaSoar                   8        nd               nd           10         3            0300         e        +5        41.2285      -66.9492     nd       nd       Lee                          nd                            10       03         0800      recover   
18             Mooring                   1        nd               nd           10         3            1054         e        +5        40.7347      -66.2565     nd       nd       Lee                          nd                            10       03         1554      Recover Irish Mooring  
19             SeaSoar                   9        nd               nd           11         3            0637         s        +5        40.1613      -68.1855     nd       nd       Lee                          nd                            11       03         1137      deploy    
20             SeaSoar                   9        nd               nd           11         3            1255         e        +5        40.1607      -68.1062     nd       nd       Lee                          nd                            11       03         1755      recover