“Happy Holidays! BCO-DMO will be on break from 23 December to 2 January 2025. Submissions and questions will still be accepted, however our responses may be delayed during this time.”

Dataset: SedimentTraps - Deployments
Deployment: 61TG_3052

Sediment Trap - Deployments
Principal Investigator: 
Scott Nodder (New Zealand National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, NIWA)
Co-Principal Investigator: 
Matthew A. Charette (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, WHOI)
Tom W. Trull (University of Tasmania, UTAS)
Dr Anya Waite (Centre for Water Research, University of Western Australia, CWR)
Doug Mackie (University of Otago)
BCO-DMO Data Manager: 
Stephen R. Gegg (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, WHOI)
Current State: 
Final no updates expected
Deployment Synonyms:
Version Date: 

SOIREE Sediment Trap - Deployments

SOIREE traps - logistics
(Nodder, Charette, Waite, Trull)

Note this T1, T0 for Sediment Traps
Day T1 = 0000 h NZST 10/02/99 + 24 hours to 0000 h NZST 11/02/99
with the nominal start of SOIREE (T0) at 0000 h NZST 10/02/99;
NZST = UTC + 12 hours

MULTI-trap dimensions:
Length (L, m): 0.58 Trap length with baffles inserted
L without baffles: 0.525 m
AR without baffles: 7.50
Trap volume without baffles: 2.021 litres

Inside diameter (Di, m): 0.07
Outside diameter (Do, m): 0.08
Aspect ratio (AR): 8.29
Aspect ratio with salt (AR): 7.29 Basal brine added to a height of 1-trap diameter (7 cm)
Collection area (A, m2): 0.00385
Trap volume (V, m3): 0.00223
Trap volume (V, litres): 2.232
Baffle length (Lb, m): 0.08
Baffle diameter (Dib, m): 0.01
Baffle aspect ratio (ARb): 5.77

Note: traps were deployed with a 1-D high density brine solution
(excess 50 ppt NaCl) which would alter trap AR

Flux calculations:
Flux (mg/m2/d) = Wt sample/(trap collection area x days deployed)

Wt sample = Wtfiltered - Wtblank

Free-floating arrays of baffled, cylindrical MULTI-sediment traps.
Twelve traps deployed on each cross-frame, 9 back-filled with a 1-trap diameter thick (7 cm), 50ppt excess NaCl basal brine (50 g NaCl/l) and 3
with polyacrylimide gels mounted on base

For all deployments and all depths:
traps 1-3 = gel samples (Anya Waite)
traps 4-6 = POC/PN/13Corg or mass/PSi (Scott Nodder, Tom Trull)
traps 7-9 = phytopigments (Scott Nodder)

For all deployments and 100 m only: traps 10-12 = Th samples (Matt Charette)

For all deployments and 300 m only: traps 10-12 = POC/PN samples (Scott Nodder)

Refer to Nodder & Waite in DSRII

More information about this dataset deployment