cruiseid |
cruise identification, e.g. NBP0202, for RVIB Palmer cruise 0202
cruiseid |
temp |
temperature of water
degrees C |
temp |
datatype |
sampling method - instrument type, e.g. MOCNESS-1 or MOCNESS-10
datatype |
year |
year |
tow |
tow number
tow |
day_local |
day of month, local time, 1-31
day_local |
month_local |
month of year, local time, 1 - 12
month_local |
yrday_local |
year day as a decimal, based on Julian calendar, local; includes time due to precision
YYY.Yyyyyy |
yrday_local |
time_local |
time, local using 24 hour clock to decimal minutes
HHmm.m |
time_local |
press |
depth of observation or sample
meters |
press |
potemp |
potential temperature or theta1 ¹Fofonoff and Millard, 1983, UNESCO technical papers in Marine Sciences, #44
potemp |
sal |
salinity calculated from conductivity, bad values are set to 50
sal |
sigma_0 |
potential density1
¹Fofonoff and Millard, 1983, UNESCO technical papers in Marine Sciences, #44
sigma_0 |
angle |
angle of net frame relative to vertical (0-89 degrees)
degrees |
tow_angle |
flow |
consecutive flow counts
flow |
hzvel |
horizontal net velocity
m/min |
hzvel |
vtvel |
vertical net velocity
m/min |
vtvel |
vol_filt |
volume filtered
meters<sup>3</sup> |
vol_filt |
net |
MOCNESS net number, (00-08)
net |
lat |
latitude, negative = South
DD.D |
lat |
lon |
longitude, negative = West
lon |
station |
Station number where tow was done.
text |
station |
flvolt |
fluorescence in volts
volts |
fluor |