dates: 19 January 2002 to 20 February 2002 (20020119-20020220)
location: N: -46.6233 S: -66.3606 W: 179.7417 E: -178.8283
project/cruise: SOFeX/MV
Contact: Anna Hilting (Duke University Marine Laboratory)
R/V Melville Extracted Chlorophyll Methodology
Please direct questions to Sara Tanner ( or Jodi Brewster (
Water samples were collected from 12 depths on the CTD Rosette and 8 depths on the TM Rosette. The TM Rosette depths were chosen at the 100, 45, 30, 16, 10, 5, 1, and 0.1 percent light levels (so phytoplankton production can be related to phytoplankton biomass) (Evans et al 1987). The CTD also had 2 more depths scattered between .1 and 100 percent and one each at 200m and 300m. The water from the CTD and TM rosettes was collected using opaque brown bottles in 250, 500, 1000, and 2000 ml or white 100 ml bottles. The differing volumes depended upon the depth of the sample and whether the samples were taken within the patch or not. Sampling from the TM Rosette was done with gloves. Each bottle was rinsed three times with the sample water before filling to the neck of the bottle.
A Whatman G/FF glass Fiber Filter, (~0.7um) Polycarbonate 5 um filter, or Polycarbonate 20 micron filter was placed in a 25 mm diameter Gelman filter holder. Water was pumped through the filter, being careful the vacuum pressure did not get above 6 psi to avoid cell lyse. After filtration, the vacuum was turned off and the filter was added with forceps to a tube filled with 8 ml of 90% acetone. The tube was labeled and stored in a freezer for a minimum of 24 hours.
After the minimum 24 hours extraction time, the filter was removed from the tube and the tube was wiped down with Chem Wipes. The fluorescence of the chlorophyll extracts were read on a 10AU Turner Designs fluorometer. Two drops of 10 % HCl was added and the fluorescence was reread and recorded again. The "before" and "after" readings were plugged into equation chl-a = K * (Rb-Ra) * (vol ext/vol filtered)*dil to calculate chlorophyll a values.
A standard made from Sigma Chl-a in 90% acetone was calibrated on a spectrophotometer and used to calibrate the fluorometer at the beginning, mid and end of the cruise. Due to the fact the fluorometer drifted both ± according to the solid standard, and a high correlation was found between the low solid standard and the calibration curve, Chlorophyll-a values were corrected using the ratio of the low solid standard.
PI Notes
from Richard Barber ( and Anna Hilting (
Chlorophyll a was determined by fluorometric methods. Fresh samples were extracted in 90% acetone at -20 degrees C for 24-30 h (Venrick and Hayward, 1984) and quantified using a Turner Designs fluorometer (Holm-Hansen et al., 1965; Lorenzen, 1966). Contact A. Hilting (Duke) for information.
These data have been edited for quality control but will be processed further for size-fraction analysis and integration using the Morel Model. See Barber et al., 1997 and Hiscock et al., 2002. Incubated depth will be calculated using the Morel model and added later.
SCUFA Underway Chlorophyll Survey Data
OCB DMO Note: Worked primarily with 'calc' worksheet from chlaSCUFA.xls. Combined elements from MelvilleChlorophyll.xls. Included data for cast_scufa U059 and 20 micron filter SCUFA samples in cast_scufa range S159-S179 from MelvilleChlorophyll.xls as well. A summary worksheet of corrected chlorophyll-a and SCUFA fluorescence data 'Chlorophyll' is found in chlaSCUFA.xls as well as a worksheet on blanks, 'Blanks'. Placement of cast_scufa U059 based on placement in cruise event log. U059 values for date, lon, lat, and notes added from cruise event log.
SCUFA or Self-Contained Underwater Fluorescence Apparatus
SCUFA brochure from Turner Designs
Original Excel file
of SCUFA chlorophyll calibration work for underway surface extracted chlorophyll