Details of the UCSB Spar buoy deployed during EDDIES 2004 Survey 2.
Due to the cancellation of the EDDIES Tracer 1 cruise, the deployment during
the Survey 1 leg was recovered prior to the end of Survey 1. During Survey 2
(oc404-4), the UCSB spar bouy was again deployed after determination of the eddy
center position. The second mooring was recovered near the end of Survey 2.
Calibration of instruments:
SBE-39s and SBE-37 were calibrated by SeaBird.
ECO-FLNTU Chl a and Optical Backscatter sensors were compared to the Oceanus
CTD fluorometer during a comparison cast (oc404-4 053) during EDDIES 2004 Survey
2. Using the facory Chl a slope values, yielded Chl a values that were about
twice that of the CTD fluorometer. The comparison of the extracted Chl a and
Phae a samples to the CTD fluorometer also showed the CTD fluorometer to be
reading too low. Therefore, the ECO-FLNTU readings of all 3 profiles were
matched with corrected CTD fluorometer values rather than factory calibrated CTD
fluorometer values for oc404-4 053. There was significant differences in the Chl
offset count for all 3 ECO-FLNTU sensors. The ECO-FL sensor failed to log
during the comparison cast, so no adjustment to the factory calibration factors
could be determined for this sensor.
The Optical Backscatter channel of the ECO-FLNTU was too insensitive for
optimal use in these clean waters. Therefore the data is not reported in our
Drogue Mooring details:
Date GMT Latitude Longitude
Launch: 26-Jul-04 1016 30 40.57 N 65 20.56 W
Recovery: 4-Aug-04 2028 30 46.23 N 65 46.92 W
Buoy Instruments:
Depth: Sampling interval Data Recovery s/n
Surface ARGOS/GPS positions every hour 82%
10 temp, pressure 1min 100% SBE39-376
40 temp 1min 100% SBE39-497
70 temp 1min 100% SBE39-499
80 temp 1min 100% SBE39-500
80 Chl fl, turbidity 4min 100% ECO-FLNTU 085
90 temp 1min 100% SBE39-501
90 Chl fl, turbidity 4min 100% ECO-FLNTU 086
100 temp, cond, pressure 1min 100% SBE37SM-406
100 Chl fl, turbidity 4min 100% ECO-FLNTU 087
110 temp 1min 100% SBE39-502
110 Chl fl 4min 100% ECO-FL 055
120-138 Holey Sock Drogue none