The scientific sampling event log was created by BCO-DMO by combining several Excel spreadsheets in which sampling location positions were reported by the originating investigators.
The cruise was divided into two legs, first a transit to the Azores (leg 1, Florida to the Azores) followed by the second leg heading north to Iceland (leg 2, Azores to Iceland).
The 1-* station identifiers indicate places where several investigators took limited samples from the underway system during leg 1 (transit). These do not represent vertical profiles station location. The 2-* station identifiers indicate sampling events from leg 2.
Note that 'a' and 'b' designations (e.g. 2-13a and 2-13b) were used to designate sequential casts at the same station location and that there is no significance to their order, a preceding b or the reverse.
All latitude and longitude values were adjusted as needed from the original spreadsheets, to be consistent with the convention of North being positive and West being negative.