Dataset: dogfish_alloys
Deployment: NEC-ST2006-1

spiny dogfish and rare earth metals
Principal Investigator: 
Dr Shelly Tallack (Gulf of Maine Research Institute, GMRI)
BCO-DMO Data Manager: 
Nancy Copley (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, WHOI BCO-DMO)

Do Rare Earth Metals Deter Spiny Dogfish? A Feasibility Study on the Use of Mischmetals to Reduce Dogfish Catches in Hook and Lobster Gear in the Gulf of Maine

Project Leader: Shelly Tallack, Gulf of Maine Research Institute

The purpose of this project was to test an array of fishing gear fitted with and without non-magnetic rare earth metal (lanthanide/cerium) to test the aversion by spiny dogfish to baited fishing gear as a means of reducing the catch of dogfish during time when dogfish abundance is problematic for fishermen. This study addresses the NEC research topics of: fishing gear selectivity and fish habitats and ecology. This study employed fishery-independent sampling techniques, and involved a team of approximately two fishermen and two scientists. Overall, there is little evidence to suggest that mischmetal has the potential to reduce the catch of dogfish in either commercial or recreational gear types in the Gulf of Maine.

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