Cruise_ID1 |
cruise ID for OCB;
unitless |
cruise_id |
Cruise_ID2 |
cruise ID for the CARIACO project;
unitless |
cruise_id |
Cruise_number |
number of cruise;
unitless |
cruise_id |
leg |
number of cruise in the same month;
unitless |
leg |
cast |
number of the rosette cast;
unitless |
cast |
Date |
date; yyyymmdd
unitless |
date |
sample_number |
number of sample;
unitless |
sample |
Analyzed_by |
laboratoory that did the analysis;
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
lon_n |
intended longitude; west indicated with negative values
decimal degrees |
lon |
lat_n |
intended latitude; north indicated as positivie values
decimal degrees |
lat |
lon |
actual longitude; west indicated with negative values
decimal degrees |
lon |
lat |
actual latitude; north indicated as positivie values
decimal degrees |
lat |
year |
year of sampling;
unitless |
year |
month |
month of sampling;
unitless |
month |
day |
day of sampling;
unitless |
day |
depth_bottom |
maximum depth;
meters (m) |
depth_bottom |
depth |
sample depth;
meters (m) |
depth |
time_start_local |
starting time of the cast (Venezuelan Standard Time; VET);
unitless |
time_begin |
time_end_local |
end time of the cast (Venezuelan Standard Time; VET);
unitless |
time_end |
time_start_UTC |
starting time of the cast (UTC);
unitless |
time_begin |
time_end_UTC |
end time of the cast (UTC);
unitless |
time_end |
Date_time_local |
date and time of sampling (Venezuelan Standard Time; VET);
unitless |
ISO_DateTime_Local |
Date_time_UTC |
date and time of sampling (UTC);
unitless |
ISO_DateTime_UTC |
Tot_Chl_a |
HPLC divinyl chlorophyll a + monovinyl chlorophyll a + chlorophyllide a + chlorophyll a allomer + chlorophyll a prime;DV_Chl_a + MV_Chl_a + Chlide_a + Chl_a allomers + Chl_a epimers
miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
chl_a |
Tot_Chl_b |
HPLC divinyl chlorophyll b + monovinyl chlorophyll_b;DV_Chl_b + MV_Chl_b + Chl_b epimers
miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
chl_b |
Tot_Chl_c |
HPLC chlorophyll c1 + chlorophyll c2 (or chl_c1_c2) + chlorophyll c3;Chl_c3 + Chl_c12
miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
chl_c |
alpha_beta_Car |
HPLC alpha beta carotenes;alpha (beta; epsilon) + beta (beta; beta) carotene.
miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
carotene |
alpha_Car |
HPLC carotene-alpha;
miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
carotene_a |
beta_Car |
HPLC carotene-beta;
miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
carotene_b |
But_fuco |
HPLC 19'-Butanoyloxyfucoxanthin;
miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
fucox_but |
Hex_fuco |
HPLC 19'-Hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin;
miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
fucox_hex |
Allo |
HPLC Alloxanthin;
miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
no_bcodmo_term |
Diadino |
HPLC Diadinoxanthin;
miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
diadinox |
Diato |
HPLC Diatoxanthin;
miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
diatox |
Fuco |
HPLC Fucoxanthin;
miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
fucox |
Perid |
HPLC Peridinin;
miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
peridinin |
Zea |
HPLC Zeaxanthin;
miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
zeax |
MV_Chl_a |
HPLC Monovinyl Chorophyll a;
miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
chl_a1 |
DV_Chl_a |
HPLC Divinyl Chorophyll a;
miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
chl_a2 |
Chlide_a |
HPLC chlorophyllide a;
miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
chlide_a |
Chl_a_allom |
HPLC chlorophyll a allomer;
miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
chl_a_allo |
Chl_a_prime |
HPLC chlorophyll a prime (Chl_a_Prime is the 132S-epimer of Chi a3);
miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
chl_a_prime |
MV_Chl_b |
HPLC Monovinyl Chorophyll b;
miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
chl_b1 |
DV_Chl_b |
HPLC Divinyl Chorophyll b;
miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
chl_b2 |
Chl_c1 |
HPLC chlorophyll c1;
miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
chl_c1 |
Chl_c2 |
HPLC chlorophyll c2;
miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
chl_c2 |
Chl_c1c2 |
HPLC chlorophyll c1 plus c2;Chlorophyll c2 + chlorophyll c1 + MGDVP
miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
no_bcodmo_term |
Chl_c3 |
HPLC chlorophyll c3;
miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
chl_c3 |
Lut |
HPLC Lutein;
miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
no_bcodmo_term |
Neo |
HPLC Neoxanthin;
miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
neox |
Viola |
HPLC Violaxanthin;
miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
violax |
Phytin_a |
HPLC Pheophytin a;pheophytin a + pheophytin a'
miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
p_phytin |
Phide_a |
HPLC total pheophorbide a;multiple peaks
miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
p_phorbide |
Pras |
HPLC Prasinoxanthin;
miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
prasinox |
Anth |
HPLC Antheraxanthin;
miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
antherax |
Gyro |
HPLC Gyroxanthin-Diester;
miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
gyrox |
TChl |
HPLC total chlorophylls;Tot_Chl_a +Tot_Chl_b +Tot_Chl_c
miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
chl_tot |
HPLC photoprotective carotenoids;allo + diadino + diato + zea + alpha-beta-car
miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
car_ppc |
HPLC photosynthetic carotenoids;but-fuco + fuco + hex-fuco + perid
miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
car_psc |
HPLC phosynthetic pigments;PSC + TChl
miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
chl_psp |
Tcar |
HPLC total carotenoids ;PPC + PSC
miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
car_psc_psp |
Tacc |
HPLC total accessory pigments;PPC + PSC + Tot_Chl_b + Tot_Chl_c
miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
pig_tot_acc |
Tpg |
HPLC total pigments;TAcc + Tot_Chl_a
miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
pig_tot |
DP |
HPLC total diagnostic pigments;PSC + allo + zea + Tot_Chl_b
miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
pig_diag |
Tacc_TChla |
HPLC ratio of total accessory pigments to total chlorophll a;[Tacc]/[Tchla]
unitless |
pigacc_to_chla_tot |
PSC_Tcar |
HPLC ratio of photsynthetic carotenoids to total carotenoids;[PSC]/[TCar]
unitless |
pigpsc_to_cartot |
PPC_Tcar |
HPLC ratio of photprotective carotenoids to total carotenoids;[PPC]/[Tcar]
unitless |
pigppc_to_cartot |
TChl_Tcar |
HPLC ratio of total chlorophyll to total carotenoids;[TChl]/[TCaro]
unitless |
chltot_to_cartot |
PPC_Tpg |
HPLC ratio of photoprotective carotenoids to total pigments;[PPC]/[Tpg]
unitless |
pigppc_to_pigtot |
PSP_Tpg |
HPLC ratio of photsynthetic pigments to to total pigments;[PSP]/[TPg]
unitless |
pigpsp_to_pigtot |
TChla_Tpg |
HPLC raito of total chlorophyll a to total pigments;[TChla]/[TPg]
unitless |
chla_tot_to_pigtot |
mPF |
HPLC microplankton [mPF];
unitless |
micro_PF |
nPF |
HPLC nanoplankton [nPF];
unitless |
nano_PF |
pPF |
HPLC picoplankton [pPF];
unitless |
pico_PF |
Fluor_Chl_a |
Fluorometric Chlorophyll-a ;Measured at La Salle
miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
chl_a |
Fluor_Phaeo |
Fluorometric Phaeopigments;Measured at La Salle
miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
phaeo |
Comments |
additional comments
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |