Detailed zooplankton species composition was determined microscopically from subsamples obtained using a Folsom or Motoda splitter. Density was then estimated by multiplying the count in the subsample by the split fraction and dividing the expanded count by the volume filtered. Percent total composition was summarized by major taxa for region, habitat, and month. Species were pooled into taxonomic groups including small calanoid copepods (< 2.5 mm TL), large calanoid copepods (> 2.5 mm TL), barnacle larvae, euphausiids (principally larval and juvenile stages), oikopleurans (Larvacea), decapod (crab) larvae, amphipods (hyperiid and gammarid), gastropods (primarily pteropods), chaetognaths, and combined minor taxa.
Use constraints: User must read and fully comprehend the metadata prior to use. User must acknowledge the Originator when using the data set as a source. User must share data products developed using the source data set with the Originator. Data should not be used beyond the limits fo the source scale.
01 Oct 2012 - BCO-DMO separated original 'taxon' column into taxon, species, stage, and common_name.