“Happy Holidays! BCO-DMO will be on break from 23 December to 2 January 2025. Submissions and questions will still be accepted, however our responses may be delayed during this time.”

Dataset: CO2 - Surface Underway pCO2 Reduced
Deployment: RB-08-02

CO2 - Surface Underway pCO2 Reduced
Principal Investigator: 
Burke Hales (Oregon State University, OSU-CEOAS)
Burke Hales (Oregon State University, OSU-CEOAS)
BCO-DMO Data Manager: 
Stephen R. Gegg (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, WHOI BCO-DMO)
Current State: 
Final no updates expected
17 Feb 2010
Deployment Synonyms:
 RB0802,  RHB_SO-GasEx
Version Date: 

CO2 - Surface Underway pCO2 Reduced

Data columns:
Note: Contains additional information about the individual parameters
beyond what is entered in the BCO-DMO parameter metadata

DOY_UTC: Decimal day of year on UTC. 0000h on 1Jan = 1.00000.
Time stamp from CPU clock, set automatically by a web-based NTP server.

Lat: signed latitude in decimal degrees

Lon: signed longitude in decimal degrees

SST: Sea Surface Temperature, as determined by RHB surface intake sensor.

Equilibrator T was about 0.8° warmer than SST, and lagged SST by about 30 seconds.
SSS: Salinity (PSS) as measured by the SBE45 TSG unit plumbed to the outlet of the equilibrator.

pCO2_SST: CO2 partial pressure in µatm, at SST. xCO2 of any kind, wet or dry, is not reported.

P_atm_kPa: The ambient atmospheric pressure recorded by the LI840, directly vented to the lab air.

xCO2atm_wet_ppm: The mixing ratio of CO2 in ambient air at ambient humidity,
drawn from an inverted u-tube intake with a shrouded intake on the 02 deck.
Raw data was calibrated exactly as for equilibrator pCO2, but not corrected for
pressure. Periodic spikes in the data were most likely associated with exhaust
contamination, and account for all observations above 385 ppm. Final data have
ejected values higher than 385 ppm for this field.

Vxmis: Uncalibrated voltage from Wetlabs CStar transmissometer.

VO2: Uncalibrated voltage from SBE43 O2 sensor.

VFl: Uncalibrated voltage from WetLabs WetStar chlorophyll fluorometer.

Bad data: Bad data were replaced by NaN.
Note: NaN replaced by BCO-DMO standard of 'nd' in BCO-DMO processing

More information about this dataset deployment