Dataset: CTD - Profiles
Deployment: KNOX22RR

CTD Profile Data
Principal Investigator: 
Dr Stuart Painter (National Oceanography Centre, NOC)
Co-Principal Investigator: 
Dr John T Allen (National Oceanography Centre, NOC)
Dr Stuart Painter (National Oceanography Centre, NOC)
BCO-DMO Data Manager: 
Stephen R. Gegg (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, WHOI BCO-DMO)
Current State: 
Final no updates expected
29 June 2010
Deployment Synonyms:
Version Date: 

Final calibrated data (salinity and oxygen) for the downcast part of each profile of the CTD dataset collected during KNOX22RR (COPAS'08) cruise to the Patagonian Shelf

The calibration procedure for both conductivity and for oxygen is explained in the processing description.

Station Notes
- Station ctd22RRb2401: Odd name due to unusual sampling positions (between stations)
- Station ctd22RRb2501: Odd name due to unusual sampling positions (between stations)
- Station ctd22RRb2601: Odd name due to unusual sampling positions (between stations)
- Station ctd22RRb4701: Odd name due to unusual sampling positions (between stations)
- Station ctd22RRb6001: Odd name due to unusual sampling positions (between stations)
- Station ctd22RR08901: During the upcast communications with the CTD package failed
and the data files were considered corrupt and subsequently not processed. There is no data for this station
- Station ctd22RR14601: This station was scheduled but in the end not sampled due to time constraints. There is no data for this station
- Station ctd22RR14701: This station was scheduled but in the end not sampled due to time constraints. There is no data for this station

More information about this dataset deployment