SLOWDROP optical profiling:
"We deployed a free-fall profiling system to provide high resolution vertical profiles of temperature, salinity, density (using Sea-Bird 911 CTD), along with bio-optical properties based on multi-wavelength absorption and attenuation (Wetlabs ac-9) as well as multi-wavelength fluorescence. These profiles were conducted as the optical drifters were recovered in order to provide water column assessments of the optical properties detected by the surface drifters. The optical instruments on the SLOWDROP profiler also provide calibration for the ac-9 and fluorometers used on the SeaSoar.
Underway optical properties:
The assessment of the spatial and temporal variability in phytoplankton biomass and physiology was achieved principally by gathering a continuous record of phytoplankton in vivo fluorescence, variable fluorescence, and water absorption and attenuation, using a 10-AU Turner Designs fluorometer, a Chelsea fast Repetition Rate fluorometer, and a Wetlabs ac-9 in a flow-through mode during SeaSoar survey periods.
In addition to the continuous records, discrete samples for chlorophyll fluorometric determinations, pigment analysis, particle absorption, and nutrients were collected every hour during the SeaSoar mesoscale survey (approximately every 10 nm) and every half hour during fine scale surveys. Samples for phytoplankton specific determination were collected at selected locations and preserved with formaldehyde."
(from W0005 cruise report. Other specific cruise-related acquisition information can be found with cruises W0008, T0205 and R0208)