Data from this deployment include: fluorescence, absorbance and DOC measurements of water samples; in-situ CTD data and dissolved oxygen measurements.
Dissolved organic carbon was measured by high temperature catalytic oxidation. Briefly, 50 microliter injections of sparged, acidified seawater were combusted at 800 °C and the resultant CO2 was purified and measured with a nondispersive infrared detector (Chen et al. 2004).
In-situ data (Temperature, Salinity, Depth) were collected using towed undulating vehicle, the ECOShuttle, based on the Nu-Shuttle with CTD and dissolved oxygen sensor.
Absorbance (200-800 nm) measurements were made with a Cary 50 spectrophotometer and spectra were corrected for Milli-Q water as baseline.
DOC was measured by high temperature combustion method using a Shimadzu TOC-V Analyzer.
For sampling and analytical methodology, please refer to:
Chen, R. F., Gardner, G. B., 2004. High-resolution measurements of chromophoric dissolved organic matter in the Mississippi and Atchafalaya River plume regions. Marine Chemistry 89, 103-125.
Chen, R. F., Bissett, P., Coble, P., Conmy, R., Gardner, G. B., Moran, M. A., Wang, X.-C., Wells, M. L., Whelan, P. and Zepp, R. G., 2004. Chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) source characterization in the Louisiana Bight. Marine Chemistry 89, 257-272.