11 CTD casts were done during the cruise. Data were recovered from the WHOI Data Library and Archives. CTD profile data were recovered from the Seabird *.cnv files processed during the cruise.
No information was contributed as to any quality assurance done during the cruise. CTD profile data files from 11 casts were processed during the cruise using the Seabird software utilities. All casts (except for 9) were pressure binned (binavg_* routines). The cast 9 data file processing stopped after the loopedit step; no binavg done.
Seabird CTD header from cast 11 .cnv file:
* Sea-Bird SBE 9 Data File:
* FileName = C:dataoc454-20011.hdr
* Software Version Seasave V 7.18d
* Temperature SN = 4303
* Conductivity SN = 2707
* Number of Bytes Per Scan = 40
* Number of Voltage Words = 5
* Number of Scans Averaged by the Deck Unit = 1
* System UpLoad Time = Aug 03 2009 22:29:34
* NMEA Latitude = 35 20.14 N
* NMEA Longitude = 021 40.17 E
* NMEA UTC (Time) = Aug 03 2009 22:29:33
* Store Lat/Lon Data = Append to Every Scan
** this is joan's multicore 1 site "on bottom" coords
# nquan = 22
# nvalues = 3917
# units = specified
# name 0 = prDM: Pressure, Digiquartz [db]
# name 1 = t090C: Temperature [ITS-90, deg C]
# name 2 = t190C: Temperature, 2 [ITS-90, deg C]
# name 3 = sal00: Salinity [PSU]
# name 4 = sal11: Salinity, 2 [PSU]
# name 5 = c0S/m: Conductivity [S/m]
# name 6 = c1S/m: Conductivity, 2 [S/m]
# name 7 = sbeox0V: Oxygen Voltage, SBE 43
# name 8 = sbeox0ML/L: Oxygen, SBE 43 [ml/l]
# name 9 = xmiss: Beam Transmission, Chelsea/Seatech/Wetlab CStar [%]
# name 10 = density00: Density [density, Kg/m^3]
# name 11 = flECO-AFL: Fluorescence, Wetlab ECO-AFL/FL [mg/m^3]
# name 12 = upoly0: Upoly 0, WetLabs Turbidity
# name 13 = altM: Altimeter [m]
# name 14 = sbeox1V: Oxygen Voltage, SBE 43, 2
# name 15 = sbeox1ML/L: Oxygen, SBE 43, 2 [ml/l]
# name 16 = sbeox0ML/L: Oxygen, SBE 43 [ml/l], WS = 2
# name 17 = sal00: Salinity [PSU]
# name 18 = sbeox1ML/L: Oxygen, SBE 43, 2 [ml/l], WS = 2
# name 19 = sal11: Salinity, 2 [PSU]
# name 20 = depSM: Depth [salt water, m], lat = 35.3357
# name 21 = flag: flag
# span 0 = 2.000, 3638.000
# span 1 = 13.8108, 27.0088
# span 2 = 13.8108, 27.0112
# span 3 = 38.7345, 97.3056
# span 4 = 38.7987, 97.2901
# span 5 = 4.640047, 11.543013
# span 6 = 4.645992, 11.574247
# span 7 = 0.5036, 3.3284
# span 8 = -23.97469, 5.90225
# span 9 = -3.8414, 98.8069
# span 10 = 1025.7462, 1089.5758
# span 11 = -0.0330, 1.0039
# span 12 = 0.0494042, 2.0979324
# span 13 = 5.97, 99.63
# span 14 = 0.5409, 3.0223
# span 15 = -41.88372, 5.70259
# span 16 = -58.50867, 5.88089
# span 17 = 38.7345, 97.3128
# span 18 = -46.32159, 5.69958
# span 19 = 38.7987, 97.2938
# span 20 = 1.985, 3580.853
# span 21 = 0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00
# interval = decibars: 1
# start_time = Aug 03 2009 22:29:34
# bad_flag = -9.990e-29
# sensor 0 = Frequency 0 temperature, primary, 4303, 2008-09-25
# sensor 1 = Frequency 1 conductivity, primary, 2707, 2008-09-24, cpcor = -9.5700e-08
# sensor 2 = Frequency 2 pressure, 69685, 12/18/2002
# sensor 3 = Frequency 3 temperature, secondary, 4312, 2008-09-23
# sensor 4 = Frequency 4 conductivity, secondary, 2768, 2008-09-25, cpcor = -9.5700e-08
# sensor 5 = Extrnl Volt 0 WET Labs, ECO_AFL
# sensor 6 = Extrnl Volt 1 userpoly 0, FLNTURTD-1013, 2008-04-18
# sensor 7 = Extrnl Volt 2 transmissometer, primary, CST-1117DR, 2008-04-30
# sensor 8 = Extrnl Volt 4 altimeter
# sensor 9 = Extrnl Volt 5 Oxygen, SBE, primary, 0794, 2009-03-13
# sensor 10 = Extrnl Volt 6 userpoly 1, Flashbird-5
# sensor 11 = Extrnl Volt 7 Oxygen, SBE, secondary, 0072, 2009-05-13
# sensor 12 = Extrnl Volt 9 surface irradiance (SPAR), degrees = 0.0
# datcnv_date = Aug 04 2009 00:03:54, 7.15
# datcnv_in = c:ctd_processingoc454-20011.hex c:ctd_processingoc454-20011.CON
# datcnv_skipover = 0
# wildedit_date = Aug 04 2009 00:04:07, 7.15
# wildedit_in = c:ctd_processingoc454-20011.cnv
# wildedit_pass1_nstd = 2.0
# wildedit_pass2_nstd = 20.0
# wildedit_pass2_mindelta = 1.000e+000
# wildedit_npoint = 100
# wildedit_vars = prDM t090C t190C sal00 sal11 c0S/m c1S/m sbeox0V sbeox0ML/L xmiss density00 flECO-AFL upoly0 altM sbeox1V sbeox1ML/L
# wildedit_excl_bad_scans = yes
# filter_date = Aug 04 2009 00:04:23, 7.15
# filter_in = c:ctd_processingoc454-20011.cnv
# filter_low_pass_tc_A = 0.030
# filter_low_pass_tc_B = 0.100
# filter_low_pass_A_vars = sal00 sal11 c0S/m c1S/m sbeox0V sbeox0ML/L xmiss density00 flECO-AFL upoly0 sbeox1V sbeox1ML/L
# filter_low_pass_B_vars = prDM
# alignctd_date = Aug 04 2009 00:04:53, 7.15
# alignctd_in = c:ctd_processingoc454-20011.cnv
# alignctd_adv = sbeox0V 4.000, sbeox0ML/L 4.000
# celltm_date = Aug 04 2009 00:05:09, 7.15
# celltm_in = c:ctd_processingoc454-20011.cnv
# celltm_alpha = 0.0300, 0.0300
# celltm_tau = 7.0000, 7.0000
# celltm_temp_sensor_use_for_cond = primary, secondary
# loopedit_date = Aug 04 2009 00:05:25, 7.15
# loopedit_in = c:ctd_processingoc454-20011.cnv
# loopedit_minVelocity = 0.100
# loopedit_surfaceSoak: do not remove
# loopedit_excl_bad_scans = yes
# Derive_date = Aug 04 2009 00:05:47, 7.15
# Derive_in = c:ctd_processingoc454-20011.cnv c:ctd_processingoc454-20011.CON
# derive_time_window_docdt = seconds: 2
# binavg_date = Aug 04 2009 00:06:08, 7.15
# binavg_in = c:ctd_processingoc454-20011.cnv
# binavg_bintype = decibars
# binavg_binsize = 1
# binavg_excl_bad_scans = yes
# binavg_skipover = 0
# binavg_surface_bin = no, min = 0.000, max = 0.000, value = 0.000
# file_type = ascii