CTD_DataSet_Id |
CTD Dataset Id
text |
dataset_id |
date |
Station date
date |
time |
Station time
time |
lat |
Station latitude from header record (South is negative)
decimal degrees |
lat |
lon |
Station longitude from header record (West is negative)
decimal degrees |
lon |
bottle_position |
Bottle position
integer |
bottle |
date_bottle |
Date of bottle firing
date |
time_bottle |
Time of bottle firing
time |
Density00 |
Kg/m^3 |
density |
N2satML_L |
Nitrogen Saturation
ml/l |
no_bcodmo_term |
OxsatML_L |
Oxygen Saturation
ml/l |
O2sat |
Sbeox0ML_L |
Oxygen SBE 43
ml/l |
O2 |
Potemp090C |
Potential Temperature ITS-90
degrees Celsius |
potemp |
Sal00 |
sal |
Sva |
Specific Volume Anomaly
10^-8 * m^3/Kg |
no_bcodmo_term |
TimeS_avg |
Elapsed time average
seconds |
time_elapsed |
TimeS_sdev |
Elapsed time standard of deviation
seconds |
time_elapsed |
TimeS_min |
Elapsed time minimum
seconds |
time_elapsed |
TimeS_max |
Elapsed time maximum
seconds |
time_elapsed |
PrDM_avg |
Pressure Digiquartz average
decibars |
press |
PrDM_sdev |
Pressure Digiquartz standard of deviation
decibars |
press |
PrDM_min |
Pressure Digiquartz minimum
decibars |
press |
PrDM_max |
Pressure Digiquartz maximum
decibars |
press |
DepSM_avg |
Depth salt water average
meters |
depth |
DepSM_sdev |
Depth salt water standard of deviation
meters |
depth |
DepSM_min |
Depth salt water minimum
meters |
depth |
DepSM_max |
Depth salt water maximum
meters |
depth |
T090C_avg |
Temperature ITS-90 average
degrees Celsius |
temp |
T090C_sdev |
Temperature ITS-90 standard of deviation
degrees Celsius |
temp |
T090C_min |
Temperature ITS-90 minimum
degrees Celsius |
temp |
T090C_max |
Temperature ITS-90 maximum
degrees Celsius |
temp |
T190C_avg |
Temperature 2 ITS-90 average
degrees Celsius |
temp |
T190C_sdev |
Temperature 2 ITS-90 standard of deviation
degrees Celsius |
temp |
T190C_min |
Temperature 2 ITS-90 minimum
degrees Celsius |
temp |
T190C_max |
Temperature 2 ITS-90 maximum
degrees Celsius |
temp |
Sal00_avg |
Salinity average
sal |
Sal00_sdev |
Salinity standard of deviation
sal |
Sal00_min |
Salinity minimum
sal |
Sal00_max |
Salinity maximum
sal |
Sal11_avg |
Salinity 2 average
sal |
Sal11_sdev |
Salinity 2 standard of deviation
sal |
Sal11_min |
Salinity 2 minimum
sal |
Sal11_max |
Salinity 2 maximum
sal |
C0S_m_avg |
Conductivity average
S/m |
cond |
C0S_m_sdev |
Conductivity standard of deviation
S/m |
cond |
C0S_m_min |
Conductivity minimum
S/m |
cond |
C0S_m_max |
Conductivity maximum
S/m |
cond |
C1S_m_avg |
Conductivity 2 average
S/m |
cond |
C1S_m_sdev |
Conductivity 2 standard of deviation
S/m |
cond |
C1S_m_min |
Conductivity 2 minimum
S/m |
cond |
C1S_m_max |
Conductivity 2 maximum
S/m |
cond |
Sbeox0V_avg |
Oxygen Voltage SBE 43 average
volts |
O2_v |
Sbeox0V_sdev |
Oxygen Voltage SBE 43 standard of deviation
volts |
O2_v |
Sbeox0V_min |
Oxygen Voltage SBE 43 minimum
volts |
O2_v |
Sbeox0V_max |
Oxygen Voltage SBE 43 maximum
volts |
O2_v |
Sbeox0ML_L_avg |
Oxygen SBE 43 average
ml/l |
O2 |
Sbeox0ML_L_sdev |
Oxygen SBE 43 standard of deviation
ml/l |
O2 |
Sbeox0ML_L_min |
Oxygen SBE 43 minimum
ml/l |
O2 |
Sbeox0ML_L_max |
Oxygen SBE 43 maximum
ml/l |
O2 |
Xmiss_avg |
Beam Transmission Chelsea/Seatech/Wetlab CStar average
percentage |
trans |
Xmiss_sdev |
Beam Transmission Chelsea/Seatech/Wetlab CStar standard of deviation
percentage |
trans |
Xmiss_min |
Beam Transmission Chelsea/Seatech/Wetlab CStar minimum
percentage |
trans |
Xmiss_max |
Beam Transmission Chelsea/Seatech/Wetlab CStar maximum
percentage |
trans |
Density00_avg |
Density average
Kg/m^3 |
density |
Density00_sdev |
Density standard of deviation
Kg/m^3 |
density |
Density00_min |
Density minimum
Kg/m^3 |
density |
Density00_max |
Density maximum
Kg/m^3 |
density |
Potemp090C_avg |
Potential Temperature ITS-90 average
degrees Celsius |
potemp |
Potemp090C_sdev |
Potential Temperature ITS-90 standard of deviation
degrees Celsius |
potemp |
Potemp090C_min |
Potential Temperature ITS-90 minimum
degrees Celsius |
potemp |
Potemp090C_max |
Potential Temperature ITS-90 maximum
degrees Celsius |
potemp |
FlECO_minus_AFL_avg |
Fluorescence Wetlab ECO-AFL/FL average
mg/m^3 |
fluor |
FlECO_minus_AFL_sdev |
Fluorescence Wetlab ECO-AFL/FL standard of deviation
mg/m^3 |
fluor |
FlECO_minus_AFL_min |
Fluorescence Wetlab ECO-AFL/FL minimum
mg/m^3 |
fluor |
FlECO_minus_AFL_max |
Fluorescence Wetlab ECO-AFL/FL maximum
mg/m^3 |
fluor |
Upoly0_avg |
Upoly 0 WetLabs Turbidity average
tbd |
turbidity |
Upoly0_sdev |
Upoly 0 WetLabs Turbidity standard of deviation
tbd |
turbidity |
Upoly0_min |
Upoly 0 WetLabs Turbidity minimum
tbd |
turbidity |
Upoly0_max |
Upoly 0 WetLabs Turbidity maximum
tbd |
turbidity |
AltM_avg |
Altimeter average
meters |
altitude |
AltM_sdev |
Altimeter standard of deviation
meters |
altitude |
AltM_min |
Altimeter minimum
meters |
altitude |
AltM_max |
Altimeter maximum
meters |
altitude |
Scan_avg |
Scan average
integer |
scan |
Scan_sdev |
Scan standard of deviation
integer |
scan |
Scan_min |
Scan minimum
integer |
scan |
Scan_max |
Scan maximum
integer |
scan |