Description of sampling event codes:
Code for GEOTRACES Cruise Sampling Device
GT-C = GEOTRACES carousel
CL-R = CLIVAR rosette
30-G = 30L GoFlo
Hg-G = Mercury GoFlo
GeoF = Geo's fish
SherF = Rob's fish F-v1/-v2/-v3
MIT VANE = MIT-vane (MITESS vane samplers)
KnoR = Knorr rosette
Additional codes for IC 1 Cruise KNORR 193 Sampling Devices (recorded in event log, but not documented):
McLane Pump = (Buesseler's McLane pumps;
guess: McLane WTS-LV Large Volume, High Accuracy, Oceanographic Sampling Pump)
MULVFS = MULVFS pumping system sampling device
UH GoFlos = (guess: University of Hawaii GoFlo bottles)
ship's seawater = presumably a sampling event from the ship's seawater system
and Ex-N (UoT's Ex-Niskins) events are not recorded in the event log.
Additional codes for IC 2 Cruise KNORR 195 Sampling Devices:
Aeros = ?unknown? Aerosols sampling?
Knorr fly deck = ?unknown?
Sampling gear is discussed in these notes from the ship operator scheduling system at WHOI:
This was a trace metal cruise, so everything had to be 'clean', no painting or paint chipping during cruise, etc.
- We will be using the ship's standard CTD/rosette and winch again.
- We will also need to spool ca. 5000 m of 8mm synthetic line (purchased by Ken Buesseler at WHOI so get details from him) onto the other hydro winch (the bare drum needs to be cleaned, maybe with fresh epoxy paint, and all the sheaves need to be cleaned) for deployment off the retracting hydro boom. This line will be used for deploying Buesseler's McLane pumps individually and on his rosette frame, as well as the MITESS vane samplers.
- The main system we will be using on this cruise will be a trace metal-clean GEOTRACES carousel just like in 2008. This will be deployed using the newly developed method described by Glosten Associates. The Dynacon winch has be fully service and the new 7800 m conducting Kevlar cable spooled. This system will be used a lot, up to 10 casts per day. The GEOTRACES Sampling van (20' UNOLS) will have to be as close to this rosette as practical to avoid long walks to transfer the GO-Flos.
- We will be using a towed/stationary fish (depressor and weighted torpedo) for pumping trace metal clean water to the MLML sampling and GEOTRACES clean vans. It will be deployed using our aluminum pivoting boom just like in 2008. We will be testing several different towed fish during the transits.
- Just like in 2008, in the aft hangar we will be installing one trace metal clean 500L plastic tank for homogenizing water samples to be then placed into separate storage containers.. the intercalibration part of the cruise. We will be building a clean area around these tanks (with 2x4s and plastic sheeting). Water to fill these tanks will be from the GO-Flos and the surface fish. The water from these tanks is then pumped into the MLML sampling van that needs to be close to the hangar. The MULVFS pumps will be stored/secured in the aft hangar as well.
- The MULFVS pumping system ( will be used on this cruise again. Jim Bishop will want to use the trawl crane rather than the A frame this time, but we'll see as this will require disconnecting the GEOTRACES system.