date |
day, month, year (GMT time) e.g. 26/11/11.
Name changed from "GMT date" to "date" during data processing. Format is dd/mm/yy.
dd/mm/yy |
date |
time_gmt |
Time GMT, 24 hour clock. Name changed from "GMT time" to "time_gmt" during data processing. Values converted from hh:mm:ss format to format.
decimal hours |
time_gmt |
lat |
Latitude, negative = South. Name changed from "PCOD latitude" to "lat" during data processing.
decimal degrees |
lat |
lon |
Longitude, negative = West. Name changed from "PCOD longitude" to "lon" during data processing.
decimal degrees |
lon |
sog |
Speed over ground. Name changed from "Ships speed" to "sog" during data processing.
knots |
sog |
gps_hdop |
Horizontal Dilution of Position is an indicator of the precision of the GPS measurement. The lower the number, the more precise the position. Name changed from "GPS HDOP" to "gps_hdop" during data processing.
- |
no_bcodmo_term |
head |
The ship's heading, measured by the Gyroscope. Name changed from "Gyro Heading" to "head" during data processing.
Degrees(azimuth) |
heading |
cog |
Course over ground. Name changed from "Course over ground" to "cog" during data processing.
Degrees(azimuth) |
cog |
PAR_mast |
Downwelled Photosynthetically Available Radiation 400-700nm (PAR), sensor package mounted on ship's science mast. Name changed from "Mast PAR" to "PAR_mast" during data processing.
uE/m<sup>2</sup>/sec |
temp_ss |
Sea surface temperature. Name changed from "Sea surface temperature" to "temp_ss" during data processing.
degrees C |
sal_ss |
Sea surface salinity. Name changed from "Sea surface salinity" to "sal_ss" during data processing.
sal_ss |
wind_speed |
Wind speed (true, port windbird). Name changed from "True wind speed" to "wind_speed" during data processing.
meters/sec |
wind_speed |
wind_dir |
Wind direction (true, port windbird). Name changed from "True wind direction" to "wind_dir" during data processing.
degrees(azimuth) |
wind_dir |
temp_air |
Ambient air temperature. Name changed from "Ambient air temperature" to "temp_air" during data processing.
degrees C |
temp_air |
rel_hum |
Relative humidity. Name changed from "Relative humidity" to "rel_hum" during data processing.
% |
humidity |
air_press |
Barometric pressure. Name changed from "barometric pressure" to "air_press" during data processing.
milliBars |
press_bar |
Long wave radiation, using a Precision Infrared Radiometer.
watts/meters<sup>2</sup> |
radiation_l |
Short wave radiation, using a Precision Spectral Pyranometer.
watts/meters<sup>2</sup> |
radiation_s |
yrday |
Jan. 1 = yrday 0. GMT day and decimal time, as 325.5 for the 326th day of the year, or November 22 at 1200 hours (noon). Values derived from the "date" field.
integer |
yrday |
depth_w |
Sea depth, uncorrected, calc. sw sound vel. 1500 m/s. Name changed from "Sea depth" to "depth_w" during data processing.
m |
depth_w |
fluor_ss |
Sea surface fluorometry. Name changed from "Sea surface fluorometry" to "fluor_ss" during data processing.
volts (0-5 FSO) |
flvolt |
month_gmt |
Month, GMT. Values derived from the "date" field.
mm |
month_gmt |
day_gmt |
Day, GMT. Values derived from the "date" field.
dd |
day_gmt |
year |
year in yyyy format
unitless |
year |