Data are provided for all FOCI drifters released within each year, 2001-2004, including Gulf of Alaska, Aleutian Islands, and Bering Sea. All drifter data begin in the designated year, with some extending beyond the calendar year. Drifters are drogued at 40 meters depth. Other metadata provided:
Drogue type 2004: holey sock
Drogue manufacturer 2001: MetOcean
Drogue manufacturer 2002: Technocean
Drogue manufacturer 2003: MetOcean
Drogue manufacturer 2004: MetOcean
Deployment Comments:
13126: aground
13127: aground
13129: aground on Umnak Is
13130: aground
13131: aground Port Chatham
13135: lost drogue
13137: aground
13138: aground
13140: aground
13145: aground
13147: aground
13148: aground
13152: aground
13153: aground
13154: aground
13156: JD 131 (?) picked up by boat at 53 66 27.47 , heading for Seattle
13157: aground
13159: aground
21957: aground
21966: this drifter was never deployed
22343: aground
22366: aground
22383: aground
22394: aground 23929: in March 2002 this mooring headed ttle
24053: lost its drogue
24213: aground
22354: aground
22778: aground
34240: picked up by boat
34241: aground
34242: Marine Mammal people deployed this drifter
34245: aground
34246: aground
34248: aground
34249: aground
34250: aground
34291: aground on Sutwik Island
34292: last 3 days of spotty data and Dutch Harbor data cut off
34293: aground on St George Island
36249: aground
36256: aground
36258: aground
36259: aground
36261: aground
36263: aground
36265: aground
36268: aground
36269: aground - deployed in box (Great Pacific)
36270: deployed in box (Great Pacific)
37475: lost drogue
37476: aground
37479: aground
37483: went into sea grass area
37502: aground
37515: aground
37517: aground
37519: aground 37522: aground
37484: stopped transmitting
37486: released at GAK-2
37489: ~7/15/03 fisherman picked up buoy at 56 33N, 159 49W - instructed (by METOCEAN) to redeploy buoy -
37490: picked up by boat
37492: stopped transmitting
37493: Cordova
37494: released at GAK-6
37496: released at GAK-4
37497: stopped transmitting
37499: stopped transmitting
37500: aground
37503: aground
37504: stopped transmitting
37506: aground
37507: aground
37508: aground - for MF fisheries cruise - deployed near center of line 8 - depl info fm M Guttormsen (but he couldn't verify ARGOS ID) - these 2 drifters appear to have been deployed at the same time
37511: Cordova
37512: stopped transmitting
37513: for MF fisheries cruise - deployed near center of line 8 - depl info fm M Guttormsen (but he couldn't verify ARGOS ID) - these 2 drifters appear to have been deployed at the same time
37514: stopped transmitting
37520: stopped transmitting
43736: after depl no tx received - file is for Seattle tx only 43820: stopped transmitting
43700: lost drogue -
43701: aground
43702: probably lost drogue in mid-June
43703: aground
43704: aground
43705: stopped tx
43707: deployed in eddy
43708: aground
43712: stopped transmitting JD 99/2005
43713: aground
43715: stopped transmitting
43716: aground
43718: stopped transmitting
43719: stopped transmitting
43720: stopped transmitting
43721: aground
43722: stopped tx (altho not moving too much twds end)
43725: stopped transmitting
43727: aground
43728: aground
43730: stopped transmitting
43732: stopped transmitting
43733: aground
43734: stopped transmitting
43738: stopped transmitting
53287: aground
53288: aground
Data Comments:
13128: re-run velacc; then Phyllis wants to re-look at this data - velacc missing 292 days - drogue sensor doesn't work
13129: re-run velacc - velacc missing 63 days
13130: re-run velacc
13131: re-run velacc - velacc missing 66 days - looks like drifter lost drogue in pass
13132: re-run velacc - velacc missing 66 days -
13136: re-run velacc - velacc missing 139 days -
13142: 3/6/03, but started transmitting again on 5/25/03 - put back in pgm 30572 inactived status
13154: one old hit in 1/02
13156: JD 131 (?) picked up by boat at 53 55.56, 166 27.47 , heading for Seattle
13158: re-run velacc - velacc missing 141 days -
13162: re-run velacc - velacc missing 147 days - 2 bad pts (removed JD 278, 2329 GMT and 361, 0004 GMT)
13163: re-run vel file (cut too soon) - Phyllis cut end of file -
13164: re-run vel file (cut too soon) - Phyllis cut end of file -
13169: lg vels due to gaps in data (DOES PHYLLIS WANT TO EDIT THIS TO GET RID OF HUGE VELS?) - re-run vel file (cut too soon) - Phyllis cut end of file -
13170: Phyllis cut end of data file
21956: Phyllis cut end of data file
21966: this drifter was never deployed
22025: Phyllis cut end of data file
22089: DeWitt removed 1 bad pt (JD 251, 1320 GMT) - Phyllis cut end of data file
22244: DeWitt removed on more bad pt (JD 305, 1354 GMT) - re-run vel file (cut too soon) - 2 bad pts (removed JD 288, 0752 and JD 303, 1918 GMT) - Phyllis cut end of file -
22383: Phyllis cut very end of file
22469: Phyllis cut end of data file (in bay)
22578: Phyllis cut end of file
22579: Phyllis cut end of file
22580: re-run vel file (cut too short) - Phyllis wants to re-check this file
22666: re-run vel file (cut too short) - Phyllis wants to re-check this file
23828: re-run vel file (cut too short)
23929: re-run vel file (cut too short) - Phyllis cut end of file - in March 2002 this mooring headed twds Seattle
24036: re-run vel file - cut too short
24053: DeWitt removed 2 bad pts (JD 364, 0113 GMT and JD 365, 0102 GMT) - re-run vel file (cut too short) 24210: add missing data fm 287-300 and re-run file
24213: re-run vel file (cut too short)
29347: re-run vel file (cut too short) - long ARGOS msg
29348: DeWitt removed 1 bad pt (JD 216, 1421 GMT)
29349: long ARGOS msg
22778: Phyllis cut end of file
23787: re-run vel file (cut too short) - Phyllis cut end of data
34241: Phyllis cut end of file (circling Chirikof)
34242: re-run vel file - 1 bad pt (removed JD 287, 0045 GMT) - Phyllis cut end of data (trailing west)
34243: Phyllis cut end of file
34244: re-run vel (removed 1 bad pt: JD 289, 2050 GMT)
34245: Phyllis cut end of file
34246: Phyllis cut end of file - after JD 268 the only tx rec'd was when it was aground
34248: Phyllis cut end of data
34249: re-run vel file - 1 bad pt (removed JD 282, 1806 GMT)
34250: Phyllis cut end of file
34288: re-run vel file (cut too short) - Phyllis cut end of data
36246: data lost btwn 123-135
36247: data lost btwn 120-135
36248: data lost btwn 119-135
36249: Phyllis cut end of file - aground after JD 260 - data lost btwn 121-135
36250: Phyllis cut end of file - data lost btwn 122-135
36251: re-run vel file - 1 bad pt (removed JD 274, 1156 GMT) - data lost btwn 123-135
36252: Phyllis wants to re-check this file - Phyllis cut end of file
36253: Phyllis cut end of file
36257: re-run vel file (cut too short)
36258: re-run vel file (misssing first 8 days of depl)
36259: Phyllis cut end of file
36260: Phyllis cut end of file
36263: re-run vel file - 1 bad pt (removed JD 289, 1912 GMT)
36265: Phyllis cut end of file
36267: Phyllis cut end of file
36269: Phyllis cut data in bay
36270: Phyllis cut end of file
37474: Phyllis wants to look at this file closer
37475: Phyllis cut this file
37477: re-run vel file - 1 bad pt (removed JD 358, 1829 GMT) - Phyllis cut data at end of file
37480: re-run vel file (cut too short)
37483: re-run vel file (cut too short)
37502: re-run vel file (cut too short)
37517: Phyllis cut end of file
37518: re-run vel (cut too short) - Phyllis lopped of beginning data (zero vels)
37519: Phylli cut end of data (in bay)
37523: re-run vel (cut too short)
37478: Phyllis chopped file (submergence decreased)
37484: Phyllis chopped end of file (Port Chatham)
37485: Phyllis chopped data
37486: I don't have submergence data for end of file - what do we do with data?
37487: re-run vel file (cut too short)
37488: sporadic hits later
37490: Dkachel's file states that JD 146 was the last good data point
37491: Phyllis cut data (low submerg)
37492: Phyllis cut data - stopped transmitting - 3/31/05 Returned to ARGOS
37493: Phyllis cut data (low submerg)
37494: re-run vel file (cut too short)
37496: re-run vel file (cut too short) - Phyllis cut end of file
37497: re-run vel file (cut too short) - Phyllis cut end of file
37498: Phyllis cut end of file (low submerg)
37499: re-run vel file (cut too short)
37501: Phyllis wants blowup of end of data
37503: run vel file (no good vel file exists) - no ARGOS IDs recorded in cruise report - best guess -
37504: re-run vel file (cut too short) - Phyllis cut end of file - returned to ARGOS 3/9/05 (submited request to ARGOS again on 6/30/05)
37505: re-run vel file (cut too short) - returned to ARGO 3/9/05 - Alpha Helix - no ARGOS IDs recorded in cruise report - best guess
37510: re-run vel file (cut too short) - Phyllis cut end of file
37511: re-run vel file (cut too short)
37512: re-run vel file (cut too short
37516: re-run vel file (cut too short)
37520: Phyllis cut end of file (sptty data)
43736: after depl no tx received - file is for Seattle tx only
43820: re-run vel file (cut too short)
43697: still transmitting as of 8/29/05
43698: still transmitting as of 8/29/05 - since no ARGOS IDs were included in MOA I'm not pos whether this is 43698 or 43719
43700: Phyllis chopped data at JD 128 2256 GMT - still transmitting as of 8/29/05 - 3/3/04 - aboard FREEMAN (for Janet Duffy-Anderson)
43701: Phyllis cut data after JD 322 - returned to ARGOS 3/31/05 - velacc too short
43702: returned to ARGOS 6/30/05
43703: Phyllis cut data after JD 123, 0638 GMT - 3/31/05 Returned to ARGOS 43706: stopped transmitting - returned to ARGOS 3/9/05 - velacc file chopped off too early
43707: stopped tx - returned to ARGOS 6/30/05
43708: velacc file cropped too soon
43709: stopped tx - returned to ARGOS 6/30/05
43710: stopped tx - returned to ARGOS 6/30/05
43711: removed 2 bad points (JD 158, 153 GMT and JD 158, 154 GMT) - returned to ARGOS 3/31/05 - it looks like velacc chopped too soon (spotty tx near end)
43712: velacc too short (returned to ARGOS 6/3/05)
43713: (returned to ARGOS 6/30/05)
43714: Phyllis cut data after JD 17, 622 GMT - still transmitting as of 8/29/05
43715: returned to ARGOS 3/31/05 - velacc file chopped off too early
43717: still transmitting as of 8/29/05
43718: Phyllis cut data after JD 291, 2349 GMT
43719: since no ARGOS IDs were included in MOA I'm not pos whether this is 43698 or 43719
43721: Phyllis chopped data after JD 262, 0900 GMT - velacc file needs to be cropped
43722: returned to ARGOS 3/9/05
43723: still transmitting as of 8/29/05
43726: still transmitting as of 8/29/05
43727: Phyllis chopped data after JD 181, 2329 GMT
43730: returned to ARGOS 3/9/05 - velacc file chopped off too early
43731: still transmitting as of 8/29/05
43732: returned to ARGOS 3/31/05 - velacc file chopped off too early
43733: 3/31/05 Returned to ARGOS - Phyllis says to cut the data set at JD124, 1900
43734: returned to ARGOS 3/9/05 - velacc file chopped off too early
43735: removed 1 bad point (JD 143, 2330 GMT) - Phyllis says to cut the data set at JD155, 1900
43738: returned to ARGOS 3/9/05 - velacc file chopped off too early
53287: fm MetOcean to Kodiak for Libby Loggerwell
53288: Phyllis cut data after JD 330, 1130 GMT - Libby Loggerwell/Chris Wilson
53289: Phyllis chopped data after JD 116, 1204 GMT - still transmitting as of 8/29/05
53291: still transmitting as of 8/29/05
53292: Phyllis chopped data after JD 42, 0831 GMT - stopped tx - returned to ARGOS 3/31/05 - it looks like velacc chopped too soon
53293: still transmitting as of 8/29/05
4 Jan 2007