cruiseid |
Cruise identifier.
dimensionless |
cruiseid |
month_gmt |
Month of year, GMT.
month, 1-12 |
month_gmt |
day_gmt |
Day of month, GMT.
day, 1-31 |
day_gmt |
lat |
Latitude (south is negative). Originally named 'LA'.
decimal degrees |
lat |
lon |
Longitude (west is negative). Originally named 'LO'.
decimal degrees |
lon |
temp_air |
Air temperature measured by RM Young sensor mounted 36' above mean water line. Originally named 'AT'.
degrees C |
temp_air |
humidity |
Percent relative humidity. Originally named 'RH'.
percent |
humidity |
press_bar |
Barometric pressure in millibars. Originally named 'BP'.
millibars |
press_bar |
temp2_ss |
Sea surface temperature measured by the sensor hull-mounted in the second deck machine room Originally named 'ST-2'.
degreesC |
sal_ss |
Sea surface salinity, measured by SBE-21 thermosalinograph. Originally named 'SA'.
sal_ss |
temp_air2 |
Air temperature from the Vaisala humidity/temp sensor mounted 36' above mean water line. Originally named 'RT'.
degrees C |
temp_air |
yrday |
Day of the year.
yearday, 1-365 |
yrday |
wind_speed |
True wind speed measured in m/s. Measured by RM Yound instrument mounted 36' above mean water line. Originally named 'TW'.
m/s |
wind_speed |
radiation_s |
Shortwave radiation measured by the pyranometer. Originally named 'SW'.
watts/m^2 |
radiation_s |
Surface PAR measured in microEinstein(uE)/m^2/sec). Originally named 'PA'.
uE/m^2/sec |
radiation_l |
Longwave radiation measured by the pyranometer. Originally named 'LW'.
watts/m^2 |
radiation_l |
wind_dir_r |
Relative wind direction measured by the RM Young 05103 sensor. Originally named 'WD'.
degrees |
wind_dir_r |
cond_ss |
Sea surface conductivity, measured by SBE21 thermosalinograph. Originally named 'TC'.
mS/meter |
cond_mSm |
temp_ss |
Sea surface temperature measured by the hull-mounted sensor. Originally named 'ST'.
degrees C |
speed_lon |
Ship's speed (speed longitude) in knots. Originally named 'SL'.
knots |
no_bcodmo_term |
head |
Ship's heading (gyro compass) in degrees. Originally named 'GY'.
degrees |
heading |
temp_pir_body |
Temperature of the PIR body, measured in degrees K. Originally named 'LB'.
degrees K |
no_bcodmo_term |
temp_pir_dome |
Temperature of the PIR dome, measured in degrees K. Originally named 'LD'.
degrees K |
no_bcodmo_term |
cog |
Ship's course; GPS Course over Ground measured in degrees. Originally named 'CR'.
degrees |
cog |
sog |
Ship's speed (GPS SOG) measured in knots. Originally named 'SP'.
knots |
sog |
time_gmt |
Time, in GMT format. Calculated from time originally in HHMMSS format.
time_gmt |
temp_ss_SBE |
Sea surface temperature measured by the SBE-21 thermosalinograph. Originally named 'TT'.
degrees C |
wind_dir_r2 |
Relative wind direction measured by the RM Young WS425A2C2B sensor. Originally named 'WD-2'.
degrees |
wind_dir_r |
wind_dir |
True wind direction measured by the RM Young 05103 sensor. Originally named 'TI'.
degrees |
wind_dir |
wind_dir2 |
True wind direction measured by the RM Young WS425A2C2B sensor. Originally named 'TI-2'.
degrees |
wind_dir |
time_sec |
GPS time in seconds (0-86400). Originally named 'GT'.
seconds |
no_bcodmo_term |
sigma_t |
Sigma T density measured by the SBE-21 thermosalinograph. Originally named 'SD'.
kg/m^3 |
sigma_t |
sound_vel |
Sound velocity (Chen/Millero) measured by SBE-21 thermosalinograph. Originally named 'SV'.
m/s |
sound_vel |
flow |
Flowmeter reading (model: Flocat C-ES45-B004). Originally named 'FI'.
no_bcodmo_term |
fluor |
Reading from Wetlabs WetStar fluorometer. Originally named 'FL'.
ug/L |
fluor |
depth_bottom |
Bottom depth, in meters, measured by Knudesn 320BR. Originally named 'BT'.
meters |
depth_bottom |
dew_point |
Dew point in degrees C measured by Vaisala device. Originally named 'DP'.
degreees C |
no_bcodmo_term |
precip |
Precipitation measured by RM Young 50202. Originally named 'PR'.
mm |
precip_level |
pir_volts |
Long wave radiation thermopile voltage in micro-Volts. Instrument: Eppley Labs PIR. Originally named 'LT'.
uV |
no_bcodmo_term |
head2 |
Heading, in degrees, from Ashtech ADU2-1 GPS. Originally named 'SH'.
degrees |
head2 |
wind_speed_r |
Wind speed, measured by RM Young instrument mounted 36' above mean water line. Originally named 'WS'.
m/s |
wind_speed_r |
wind_speed_r2 |
Second measurement of wind speed in m/s. Originally named 'WS-2'.
m/s |
wind_speed_r |
wind_speed2 |
Second measurement of true wind speed in m/s. Originally named 'TW-2'.
m/s |
wind_speed |
pitch |
Pitch, in degrees, measured by Ashtech ADU2-1. Originally named 'SM'.
degrees |
no_bcodmo_term |
roll |
Roll, in degrees, measured by Ashtech ADU2-1. Originally named 'SR'.
degrees |
no_bcodmo_term |
ISO_DateTime_UTC |
Date and time (UTC) formatted to ISO8601 standard. T indicates start of time string; Z indicates UTC.
YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS.ssZ |
ISO_DateTime_UTC |