date |
month, day, year in MM/DD/YY format (GMT time) e.g. 04/23/12 = April 23, 2012.
dimensionless |
date |
time_gmt |
Time GMT, 24 hour clock. Values converted from HH:MM:SS format to HHMM.SS format.
decimal hours |
time_gmt |
lat |
Latitude, negative = South.
decimal degrees |
lat |
lon |
Longitude, negative = West.
decimal degrees |
lon |
sog |
Speed-over-ground (knots) obtained from GPS (primary SOG data).
knots |
sog |
head |
Ship's heading (degrees true); this is the ship's primary heading data. Originally named 'HDT'.
degrees true |
heading |
cog |
Course-over-ground (true) in degrees obtained from the GPS.
degrees |
cog |
temp_ss5_2 |
Sea surface temperature measured by SBE45 sensor located in main lab. Intake located 5 meters below water level. Originally named'SBE45T'.
degrees C |
temp_ss5 |
sal_ss |
Sea surface salinity calculated from the temperature and conductivity values measured by the SBE45 (temp_ss5_2 and cond_mS). Calculations made in accordance with UNESCO 44. Originally named 'Salinity'.
sal_ss |
month_gmt |
Month of year (01-12), GMT. Values derived from the 'date' field.
dimensionless |
month_gmt |
day_gmt |
Day of month (0-31), GMT. Values derived from the date field.
dimensionless |
day_gmt |
cond_mS |
Sea surface conductivity from the primary source (SBE45). Originally named 'SSCND'.
mS/cm |
cond_mS |
sound_vel |
Sea surface sound velocity calculated from salinity and temperature values (sal_ss and temp_ss5). Originally named 'SSV'.
m/s |
sound_vel |
wind_speed_r_port |
Relative wind speed, port side, from the Vaisala WXT520. Wind sampling done at 2 Hz and averaged over 10 seconds. Originally named 'WXTP_Sm'.
m/s |
wind_speed_r |
wind_speed_r_stbd |
Relative wind speed, stbd side, obtained from Vaisala WXT520. Wind sampling done at 2 Hz and averaged over 10 seconds. Originally named 'WXTS_Sm'.
m/s |
wind_speed_r |
wind_speed_c_port |
True wind speed, port side. Values calculated from the Vaisala WXT520. Raw data corrected for sensor alignment error and combined with the ship's heading, sog, and cog values. Originally named 'WXTP_TS'.
m/s |
wind_speed_c |
wind_speed_c_stbd |
True wind speed, stbd side. Values calculated from the Vaisala WXT520. Raw data corrected for sensor alignment error and combined with the ship's heading, sog, and cog values. Originally named 'WXTS_TS'.
m/s |
wind_speed_c |
wind_speed_c |
True wind speed from primary wind sensor (IMET). Calculations use heading, sog, and cog values. Originally named 'Wnd_TS'.
m/s |
wind_speed_c |
year |
year (YYYY format); derived from date column.
dimensionless |
year |
yrday |
yearday; derived from date column.
dimensionless |
yrday |
temp_air_port |
Air temperature in degrees C. Obtained from Vaisala WXT520 sensor mounted on forward mast, port side, 15.5 m above waterline. Originally named 'WXTP_TA'.
degrees C |
temp_air |
temp_air |
Air temperature in degrees C. Originally named 'AT'.
degrees C |
temp_air |
depth_w_12 |
12 kHz depth (in meters) from sea surface obtained from the Knudsen bathymetry system. Originally named 'Depth12'.
m |
depth_w |
wind_dir_r_port |
Relative wind direction from port-side Vaisala WXT520. Data has not been corrected for sensor mounting alignment error. A 0-degree wind comes over the bow; 90-degree wind comes over the stbd side. Originally named 'WXTP_Dm'.
degrees (ship relative) |
wind_dir_r |
wind_dir_r_stbd |
Relative wind direction from stbd-side Vaisala WXT520. Data has not been corrected for sensor mounting alignment error. A 0-degree wind comes over the bow; 90-degree wind comes over the stbd side. Originally named 'WXTS_Dm'.
degrees (ship relative) |
wind_dir_r |
wind_dir_c_port |
True wind direction in degrees, port side. Calculated from the Vaisala WXT520. Raw data corrected for sensor alignment error and combined with gyro heading, sog, and cog values. Originally named 'WXTP_TD'.
degrees |
wind_dir_c |
wind_dir_c_stbd |
True wind direction in degrees, stbd side. Calculated from the Vaisala WXT520. Raw data corrected for sensor alignment error and combined with gyro heading, sog, and cog values. Originally named 'WXTS_TD'.
degrees |
wind_dir_c |
wind_dir_c |
True wind direction from the primary sensor (IMET). Calculations use heading, sog, and cog data values. Originally named 'Wnd_TD'.
degrees |
wind_dir_c |
press_bar_port |
Barometric pressure obtained from Vaisala WXT520. Data has been corrected for 15.5 meter mast height (0.1185 millibars per meter). Originally named 'WXTP_Pa'.
millibars |
press_bar |
press_bar |
Barometric pressure obtained from primary source (IMET). Values have been corrected for 15.5 meter mast height (0.1185 millibars per meter). Originally named 'BPR'.
millibars |
press_bar |
precip_port |
Rain accumulation in mm. Data obtained from Vaisala WXT520 mounted on forward mast, port side, 15.5 m above waterline. The accumulation value is reset only when the sensor power is reset. Originally named 'WXTP_Rc'.
mm |
precip_level |
precip_stbd |
Rain accumulation in mm. Data obtained from Vaisala WXT520 mounted on forward mast, stbd side, 15.5 m above waterline. The accumulation value is reset only when the sensor power is reset. Originally named 'WXTS_Rc'.
mm |
precip_level |
precip_rate_port |
Rain intensity in mm/hour obtained from Vaisala WXT520 mounted on forward mast, port side, 15.5 m above waterline. Originally named 'WXTP_Ri'.
mm/hr |
precip_rate |
precip_rate_stbd |
Rain intensity in mm/hour obtained from Vaisala WXT520 mounted on forward mast, stbd side, 15.5 m above waterline. Originally named 'WXTS_Ri'.
mm/hr |
precip_rate |
humidity |
Relative humidity (%) from best source. Sensor is mounted on the forward mast, 15.5 meters above the waterline. Originally named 'HRH'.
% |
humidity |
humidity_stbd |
Relative humidity (%) obtained from Vaisala WXT520 mounted on forward mast, stbd side, 15.5 m above water line. Originally named 'WXTS_Ua'.
% |
humidity |
flr |
Fluorescence measured by WetLabs Wet-Star fluorometer located in the Hydro Lab clean seawater piping. Measured in volts dc converted to MetraByte serial (count) data. 1 volt dc = +0100.00 counts.
counts |
flr |
radiation_s |
Short wave radiation in watts/square-meter. The Eppley pyranometer has a wavelength range of 0.3 to 3 um. Sensor is mounted on bow mast 15.5 m above the waterline. Originally named 'SWR'.
watts/meter^2 |
radiation_s |
radiation_l |
Long wave radiation.
watts/meter^2 |
radiation_l |
Surface irradiance (or surface PAR) measured by QSR-2240A sensor. Surface irradiance values were calculated by dividing the net voltage reading by the calibration scale factor of 6.0452 V/(uE/cm^2/sec).
uE/cm^2/sec |
temp_ss5 |
Sea surface temperature from primary sensor (SBE48) located in the bow chamber ~5 meters below water level. Originally named 'SSTMP'.
degrees C |
temp_ss5 |
sal_ss_SBE |
Surface salinity from SBE45 located in main lab. This value is provided by the instrument rather than being calculated from the temperature and conductivity values. (For calculated salinity, see sal_ss.) Originally named 'SBE45S'.
sal_ss |
speedlog |
Ship speed through the water in knots, from the Furuno Speedlog. Originally named 'SPD'.
knots |
speed_f_w |