In 2010, various boats, including the following, were used to sample from the research station: Gump Safe boat, boats 609, 509, and 389.
2011 Experiments (codes in parenthesese correspond to 'project_code' column):
Benthic Tent Incubations (TentI - TentV) - 48h Duration; Continuous: Oxygen, pH, Temp, Salinity; Daily: DOC, FCM, DNA, start-end POM.
Niskin in situ incubations (NBE) - 24h Duration; Start-End DOC, FCM, DNA, DO...
Release-Remineralization (RR) - 24h Exudation, 48h Remineralization (with and without Sand, Light and Dark): DOC, DO, FCM, DNA.
Coral Damage (Sprout Soup) - 24h Exudation, 7 day incubation (daily water change + exudate spike).
Big Pillow Experiments (BPE) - 24h Exudation, 48h incubation (metagenomic filtration at 48h, maintain for later DOC timepoints and FCM.
Flow and Flux Surveys (FF)
Porewater Sampling (PW)
SandBag (SB) - Sand, Autoclaved Sand, incubated in offshore water in ~5L bags (unfiltered).
2011 Methodology:
FCM - 1.5ml sample, 90 uL PFA (8% or 32% stocks).
DOC - collected through 47mm combusted GF/F into acid-leached 60ml HDPE or combusted EPA.
nutrients - collected through 47mm combusted GF/F into triple-rinsed HDPE scint vials.
DNA - 500+ mL whole water collected onto Sterivex.
Oxygen (NBE T0) - After sampling DOC, FCM, additional offsh. water to fill, optode measure, close with spill.
Oxygen (NBE TF) - Before other samples, open niskin to laminar flow into BOD bottle, overfill 2X, DO meas.
POC (NBE) - 500-1000 mL collected through 25mm combusted GF/F.
POC (FF) - 4L collected through 25mm combusted GF/F.
Chlorohpyll (FF) - 1L collected through 25mm combusted GF/F.
Fluorescein - 60ml initial line flush, then 10ml syringe sampled emptied 15ml falcon frozen -20.