cast |
CTD cast number.
dimensionless |
cast |
date |
Date (GMT) of the CTD cast in YYYYmmdd format.
dimensionless |
date |
time_start |
Time (GMT) at start of the CTD cast in HHMMSS format (rounded to the nearest minute).
time_start |
lat_start |
Latitude in decimal degrees at start of CTD cast; negative = South.
decimal degrees |
lat_start |
lon_start |
Longitude in decimal degrees at start of CTD cast; negative = West.
decimal degrees |
lon_start |
press |
Water pressure, in decibars (db). (Originally named 'PrDM'.)
decibars |
press |
depth |
Sample depth. (Originally named 'DepSM'.)
meters |
depth |
temp |
Temperature in degrees Celsius. (Originally named 'T090C'.)
degrees C |
temp |
temp2 |
Temperature (in degrees Celsius) measured by secondary sensor. (Originally named 'T190C'.)
degrees C |
temp2 |
cond |
Conductivity measured in Siemens per meter. (Originally named 'C0S/m'.)
S/m |
cond |
cond2 |
Conductivity (in Siemens per meter) measured by secondary sensor. (Originally named 'C1S/m'.)
S/m |
cond2 |
sal |
Salinity in practical salinity units, PSU. (Originally named 'Sal00'.)
sal |
sal2 |
Salinity in PSU measured by the secondary sensor. (Originally named 'Sal11'.)
sal2 |
O2_v |
Raw oxygen reading in volts from SBE43 sensor. (Originally named 'Sbeox0V'.)
volts |
O2_v |
O2 |
Oxygen measured in milliLiters per Liter from SBE43 sensor. (Originally named 'Sbeox0ML/L'.)
mL/L |
O2 |
trans |
Beam transmission, as a percentage; from WET Labs CStar transmissometer. (Originally named 'Xmiss'.)
% |
trans |
beam_c |
Beam attenuation; from WET Labs CStar transmissometer. (Originally named 'Bat'.)
1/m |
beam_c |
fluor |
Fluorescence (in mg per cubic meter). (Originally named 'FlECO-AFL'.)
mg/m^3 |
fluor |
turbidity |
Turbidity measured using a Wet Labs FLNTURTD combination fluorometer and tubidity sensor. (Originally named 'Upoly0'.)
turbidity |
par |
Irradiance (µmol photons m-2 s-1) measured by Biospherical Instruments PAR sensor.
umol photons per meter^2 per second |
spar |
Surface Irradiance (µmol photons m-2 s-1).
umol photons per meter^2 per second |
sigma_0 |
Density (sigma-theta). (Originally named 'Sigma-e00'.)
kg/m^3 |
sigma_0 |
sigma_0_2 |
Density (sigma-theta) from secondary sensor. (Originally named 'Sigma-e11'.)
kg/m^3 |
sigma_0 |
potemp |
Potential temperature in degrees Celsius; ITS-90. (Originally named 'Potemp090C'.)
degrees C |
potemp |
potemp2 |
Potential temperature in degrees Celsius; ITS-90 from secondary sensor. (Originally named 'Potemp190C'.)
degrees C |
potemp2 |
sal_diff |
Practical salinity difference; sal2 - sal. (Originally named 'SecS-priS'.)
sal_diff |
temp_diff |
Temperature difference; temp2 - temp. (Originally named 'T2-T190C'.)
degrees C |
no_bcodmo_term |
cond_diff |
Conductivity difference; cond2 - cond. (Originally named 'C2-C1S/m'.)
S/m |
no_bcodmo_term |
O2sat |
Oxygen saturation in milliLiters per Liter; calculated using Garcia & Gordon method. (Originally named 'OxsolML/L'.)
mL/L |
O2sat |
sound_vel |
Sound velocity measured in meters per second. (Originally named 'SvWM'.)
m/s |
sound_vel |
geopot_anom |
Geopotential anomaly measured in joules per kilogram. (Originally named 'Gpa'.)
J/kg |
no_bcodmo_term |
nitrate_SUNA |
Output from SUNA Nitrate sensor. The sensor output is delivered to the CTD by 0 to +5V analog voltage to a dedicated port on the SBE9. The range was set to 0-20 uM (0V=0uM, 5V=20uM) for casts 1-17. On cast 18 the range was changed to 0-40 uM and stayed that way for the remainder of the cruise.(Originally named 'V6'.)
volts |
no_bcodmo_term |
ISO_DateTime_UTC |
Starting date and time of cast formatted to ISO8601 standard. T indicates start of time string; Z indicates UTC.
| |
ISO_DateTime_UTC |