Dataset: AVHRR SST Zoom Domain 2000
Deployment: AVHRR_SST_Zoom1995-2003

US GLOBEC Georges Bank 2000 full resolution AVHRR images zoom domain
Principal Investigator: 
James J. Bisagni (University of Massachusetts Dartmouth SMAST, UMASSD-SMAST)
BCO-DMO Data Manager: 
Robert C. Groman (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, WHOI BCO-DMO)

Real time MCSST US GLOBEC Georges Bank full resolution zoom domain for 2000. During the time of the project, images provided to the ships were reviewed and those images with little cloud cover over Georges Bank were reviewed. (These image files were assigned a file extent (file type) of ".revd". When ships were not out on cruise reviewing did not take place. The images were remapped to the same GB_Zoom region (almost full resolution) and were given a file extent of ".gbs".

Data Provider:

 	Dr. J. J. Bisagni 
        University of Massachusetts Dartmouth 
        School for Marine Science and Technology 
        200 Mill Rd., Suite 325 
        Fairhaven, MA 02719 USA 
        jbisagni at 


As a courtesy, please notify Jim Bisagni via email about your intent to use the SST OI fields, so that he may keep a record.

More information about this dataset deployment