EN501: The science party used an Excel spreadsheet to record all instrument deployments during the BaRFlux 1 cruise. This version of the event log was posted following the initial post-cruise review by the science party.
EN502, AE1211, EN513, and EN520: For the BaRFlux 2, 3, 4, and 5 cruises, the scientific sampling event log was created using the Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) event log application (ELOG with cruise-specific custom configuration files). The log includes a record of all scientific sampling events from the cruise. In addition to event identification numbers unique for the cruise, the scientific sampling event log includes date and time (GMT), position (latitude and longitude), station and cast identifier as appropriate to the sampling event, sampling instrument name (e.g. CTD, TM, MOC10), name of person responsible for the sampling event, and a comment field to record additional information. See more information about the R2R event log.