site |
Corresponds to geographical location where replicate was conducted (either Lee Stocking Island or Little Cayman).
text |
site |
lat |
Latitude of the site.
decimal degrees |
lat |
lon |
Longitude of the site.
decimal degrees |
lon |
fish_id |
Code unique to each individual lionfish.
code |
no_bcodmo_term |
count_goby |
Corresponds to abundance of cleaner gobies at the reef where the focal lionfish was captured (roughly quantifies lionfish's prior experience with cleaners).
integer |
count |
tank_id |
Corresponds to aquarium where lionfish was being held.
dimensionless |
no_bcodmo_term |
len_tot |
Total length of lionfish in centimeters.
cm |
fish_len |
goby1_species_code |
Code identifying the species of Goby 1. (Note: Goby 1 and goby 2 were determined randomly by the rolling of a dice.) COGL = Coryphopterus glaucofraenum; ELGE = Elacatinus genie.
code |
taxon_code |
goby1_id |
Unique identifying number of the individual goby for that trial.
dimensionless |
no_bcodmo_term |
goby1_len_tot |
Total length of first goby in centimeters.
cm |
fish_len |
goby1_eaten |
Whether or not the first goby was eaten in the 10 minute trial.
yes or no |
no_bcodmo_term |
num_strikes_goby1 |
How many strikes the lionfish made against the first goby.
integer |
no_bcodmo_term |
time_to_pred_goby1 |
How much time passed (in minutes and seconds) before first goby was consumed.
time_elapsed |
time_to_strike1_goby1 |
How much time passed (in minutes and seconds) before first strike was made (if applicable).
time_elapsed |
time_to_strike2_goby1 |
How much time passed (in minutes and seconds) before second strike was made (if applicable).
time_elapsed |
time_to_strike3_goby1 |
How much time passed (in minutes and seconds) before third strike was made (if applicable).
time_elapsed |
time_to_strike4_goby1 |
How much time passed (in minutes and seconds) before fourth strike was made (if applicable).
time_elapsed |
time_to_strike5_goby1 |
How much time passed (in minutes and seconds) before fifth strike was made (if applicable).
time_elapsed |
goby2_species_code |
Code identifying the species of Goby 2. (Note: Goby 1 and goby 2 were determined randomly by the rolling of a dice.) COGL = Coryphopterus glaucofraenum; ELGE = Elacatinus genie.
code |
taxon_code |
goby2_id |
Unique identifying number of the individual goby for that trial.
dimensionless |
no_bcodmo_term |
goby2_len_tot |
Total length of second goby in centimeters.
cm |
fish_len |
goby2_eaten |
Whether or not the second goby was eaten in the 10 minute trial.
yes or no |
no_bcodmo_term |
num_strikes_goby2 |
How many strikes the lionfish made against the second goby.
integer |
no_bcodmo_term |
time_to_pred_goby2 |
How much time passed (in minutes and seconds) before second goby was consumed.
time_elapsed |
time_to_strike1_goby2 |
How much time passed (in minutes and seconds) before first strike was made (if applicable).
time_elapsed |
time_to_strike2_goby2 |
How much time passed (in minutes and seconds) before second strike was made (if applicable).
time_elapsed |
time_to_strike3_goby2 |
How much time passed (in minutes and seconds) before third strike was made (if applicable).
time_elapsed |
time_to_strike4_goby2 |
How much time passed (in minutes and seconds) before fourth strike was made (if applicable).
time_elapsed |