Dataset: grouper-goby lab expt
Deployment: PIMS_Hixon

Lab experiments to determine if groupers (Cephalopholis sp.) eat cleaner gobies (Elacatinus sp.).
Lead Principal Investigator: 
Mark Hixon (Oregon State University, OSU)
Lillian J. Tuttle (Oregon State University, OSU)
BCO-DMO Data Manager: 
Shannon Rauch (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, WHOI BCO-DMO)
Current State: 
Final no updates expected
28 June 2013
Version Date: 

This dataset contains results from experiments conducted in the Bahamas and the Cayman Islands. Experiments examined whether or not two species of groupers, Cephalopholis fulva and Cephalopholis cruentata, (ecologically similar to invasive lionfish) ate cleaner gobies of the genus Elacatinus. Data include the number of gobies eaten, the number of strikes made against the goby and the time it took to strike, and the time passed before predation occurred.

Related Datasets from sub-project "Lionfish Cleaner lab expt 2011":
lionfish-goby lab expt

More information about this dataset deployment