Dataset: N2fix_CO2 Water Samples
Deployment: KM1016

Water samples from DIAZOTROPHS_CO2 cruises KM1016 and KM1110
Principal Investigator: 
Matthew J. Church (University of Hawai'i, UH)
Co-Principal Investigator: 
Ricardo Letelier (Oregon State University, OSU-CEOAS)
BCO-DMO Data Manager: 
Theresa McKee (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, WHOI BCO-DMO)
Current State: 
Final no updates expected
19 August 2013
Version Date: 

Biogeochemical data from water samples collected in the area around Station ALOHA (22° 45’N, 158° 00’W) during the summer (August 2010) and spring period (March 2011) .  An assessment of dinitrogen fixation rates and nifH community structure are published as a separate dataset.

More information about this dataset deployment