Dataset: CTD_log_2005-2
Deployment: OC415-03

combined CTD station and Niskin bottle event logs
BCO-DMO Data Manager: 
Cynthia L. Chandler (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, WHOI BCO-DMO)
Current State: 
Final no updates expected
08 March 2006
Deployment Synonyms:
 EDDIES 2005 Survey 2,  OC415-3,  OC415_S2
Version Date: 
 PI:              Dennis McGillicuddy and Nick Bates
 of:              WHOI and BBSR
 dataset:         combined CTD station and Niskin bottle event logs
 dates:           07 August 2005 to 25 August 2005  (20050807-20050825)
 location:        N: 33.064  S: 29.279  W: -69.410  E: -63.165
 project/cruise:  EDDIES 2005 Survey 2 OC415-3 and Transect 2 WB0508
 platform:        R/V OCEANUS and R/V WEATHERBIRD II
 OCB DMO Note: data were merged from cruise event logs in OCB database (060308)
     additional documentation is available with those logs;
     The WB0508 cruise is also called EDDIES Transect #4 or EDT4
     (EDDIES Transects 1 and 2 were done in 2004, 3 and 4 in 2005)
 PI note:  The sampling code sta_ref sub-string is the reference station indicator, 
    mostly Oceanus master grid (20km spacing). Note, WBII station number is not 
    included to avoid further confusion. Hence, locations need to be either WBII 
    CTD station number or Oceanus grid number. Where Oceanus grid station does not
    exist then station will be described in terms of nearest station or some 
    nominal eddy center (EC).  For the early part of the cruise station 2070 was  
    deemed EC, but after W-E transect it was obvious it had shifted. Appeared to 
    have moved to the SW.
 Related information:
   070227: Courtney Ewart (UCSB) contributed a merged CTD map for OC415-3 
           and WB0508 that may help to determine relative CTD station locations  
           (PDF file of 3 maps)
More information about this dataset deployment