cruise_id |
cruise identification
unitless |
cruise_id |
date |
date as year/month/day (GMT time)
yyyymmdd |
date |
time |
Time GMT; 24 hour clock. [Values converted from HH:MM:SS format to HHMM.SS format.]
time |
lat |
Latitude; negative = South.
decimal degrees |
lat |
lon |
Longitude; negative = West.
decimal degrees |
lon |
temp_air_port |
Air temperature in degrees C. Obtained from Vaisala WXT520 mounted on port side forward mast xx m above waterline. Name changed from 'WXTP_Ta' during processing.
degrees C |
temp_air |
press_bar_port |
Barometric pressure obtained from WXT520 mounted on the port side forward mast xx m above sea level. Data has been corrected for sensor altitude. Name changed from 'WXTP_Pa' during processing.
hPa |
press_bar |
depth_w |
Depth in meters obtained from the Knudsen 200 kHz channel. x meter transducer depth correction has been applied.??? Name changed from 'Depth200' during processing.
m |
depth_w |
cog |
Course over ground (true); best source; obtained from a Garmin GPS receiver.
degrees (azimuth) |
cog |
sog |
Speed over ground (best source) obtained from a Garmin GPS receiver. Name changed from 'SOG' during processing.
knots |
sog |
precip_port |
Rain accumulation in mm. Data obtained from Vaisala WXT520 mounted on port side forward mast xx m above waterline.The accumulation value is reset only when the sensor power is reset. Name changed from 'WXTP_Rc' during processing.
mm |
precip_level |
precip_rate_port |
Rain intensity in mm/hour obtained from Vaisala WXT520 mounted on port side forward mast xx m above waterline. Name changed from 'WXTP_Ri' during processing.
mm/hr |
precip_rate |
humidity_port |
Relative humidity (%) obtained from Vaisala WXT520 mounted on port side forward mast at xx m above water line. Name changed from 'WXTP_Ua' during processing.
% |
humidity |
wind_dir_r_port |
Relative wind direction from port side. Data obtained from Vaisala WXT520 and has not been corrected for sensor mounting alignment error. A 0-degree wind comes over the bow; 90-degree wind comes over the stbd side. Name changed from 'WXTP_Dm' during processing.
degrees |
wind_dir_r |
wind_speed_r_port |
Relative wind speed from port side obtained from Vaisala WXT520. Wind speed average in m/s (2 Hz; 10 sec sample period). Name changed from 'WXTP_Sm' during processing.
m/s |
wind_speed_r |
cond_mS |
Surface conductivity from the SBE45 thermosalinograph. Name changed from 'SBE45C' during processing.
mS/cm |
cond_mS |
flr |
Fluorescence measured by WetLabs Wet-Star fluorometer located in the Wet Lab clean seawater piping. Units are counts (1 volt dc = 1000).
counts |
flr |
sal_ss |
Sea surface salinity measured by SBE45 thermosalinograph. Name changed from 'SBE45S' during processing.
sal_ss |
sound_vel |
Surface sound velocity from the SBE45 thermosalinograph. Name changed from 'SBE45SV' during processing.
m/s |
sound_vel |
temp_ss |
Sea surface temperature measured by SBE45T thermosalinograph sensor. Name changed from 'SBE45T' during processing.
degrees C |
head |
The ship's heading obtained from true heading source (gyro). Name changed from 'HDT' during processing.
degrees(azimuth) |
heading |
wind_direction |
Wind direction. Name changed from 'WXWnd_dir' during processing.
degrees |
wind_dir |
wind_speed |
Wind speed. Name changed from 'WXWnd_spd' during processing.
m/s |
wind_speed |
wind_dir_c_port |
True wind direction in degrees from port side. Values are calculated from the Vaisala WXT520. Raw data corrected for sensor alignment error and combined with the ship's gyro heading and sog and cog values. A 0-degree wind comes from the north. Name changed from 'WXTP_TD' during processing.
degrees |
wind_dir_c |
wind_speed_c_port |
True wind speed from port side. Values calculated from the Vaisala WXT520. Raw data corrected for sensor alignment error and combined with the ship's heading and sog and cog values.Name changed from "WXTP_TS" during processing.
m/s |
wind_speed_c |
yrday_gmt |
GMT day and decimal time, as 326.5 for the 326th day of the year, or November 22 at 1200 hours (noon).
yrday_gmt |
day |
day, UTC
day |
month |
month, UTC
month |
year |
year |
ISO_DateTime_UTC |
Date/Time (UTC) ISO formatted, based on ISO 8601:2004(E).
ISO_DateTime_UTC |
date_gps |
GPS date in format ddmmyy (e.g. 180513 for May 18th, 2013).
unitless |
date |