station |
station number
unitless |
station |
cast |
CTD cast number
unitless |
cast |
date |
CTD date
yyyymmdd |
date |
time |
CTD time
hhmm |
time |
year |
unitless |
year |
month |
unitless |
month |
day |
unitless |
day |
yrday_gmt |
GMT day and decimal time; as 326.5 for the 326th day of the year or November 22 at 1200 hours (noon)
unitless |
yrday_gmt |
inst_Tricho |
Trichodesmium sampling instrument (pump or net)
unitless |
instrument |
cast2 |
pump cast number
unitless |
cast |
date_cast2 |
pump date
yyyymmdd |
date |
time_cast2 |
pump time
hhmm |
time |
lat_cast2 |
pump station latitude; north is positive
decimal degrees |
lat |
lon_cast2 |
pump station longitude; east is positive
decimal degrees |
lon |
lat |
CTD latitude
decimal degrees |
lat |
lon |
CTD longitude
decimal degrees |
lon |
depth_n |
nominal depth
meters |
depth_n |
press |
decibars |
press |
num_BTL |
# of .BTL values used to compute average CTD pressure temperature salinity etc reported for that depth entry in the bottle file. [.BTL files are created by SeaBird CTD processing with average values for the time each bottle was tripped.]
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
NH4 |
ammonium concentration
microMolar |
NH4 |
NO3_NO2 |
nitrate and nitrite concentration
microMolar |
NO3_NO2 |
dissolved inorganic nitrogen concentration
microMolar |
no_bcodmo_term |
total dissolved nitrogen concentration
microMolar |
dissolved organic nitrogen concentration
microMolar |
total dissolved phosphorus concentration
microMolar |
PO4 |
Phosphate concentration
microMolar |
PO4 |
dissolved organic phosphorous concentration
microMolar |
Si |
silicate concentration
microMolar |
Si |
PO4_P_flag |
PO4-P low level dissolved inorganic phosphate (LLDIP) assay marker: 1 = LLDIP was used (typically in upper ocean samples); 0 = the standard method was used (typically deeper samples where DIP is higher). See nutrient detection limit note (pdf) in Processing section.
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
O2_ml_L |
dissolved oxygen concentration
milliliters/liter |
O2_ml_L |
sal |
salinity from primary sensor
practical salinity units |
sal |
sal2 |
salinity from secondary sensor
practical salinity units |
sal2 |
density |
sigma-theta density from primary sensor
kilograms/meter^3 |
density |
density2 |
sigma-theta density from secondary sensor
kilograms/meter^3 |
density |
temp |
temperature from primary sensor
degrees Celsius |
temp |
temp2 |
temperature from secondary sensor
degrees Celsius |
temp2 |
cond |
conductivity from primary sensor
Siemens/meter |
cond |
cond2 |
conductivity from secondary sensor
Siemens/meter |
cond2 |
fluor |
milligrams/m^3 |
fluor |
trans |
beam transmission
percent |
trans |
alt |
meters |
altitude |
par |
microEinsteins/*cm*^2/second |
spar |
SPAR/Surface Irradiance
microEinsteins/*cm*^2/second |
turbidity |
Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU) |
turbidity |
O2_v |
oxygen voltage
volts |
O2_v |
AP_activity |
Water column alkaline phosphatase activity
nanomoles Phosphate/hour/liter |
no_bcodmo_term |
chl_a |
micrograms/liter |
chl_a |
Trich_AP_mix |
Trichodesmium AP Activity - Mixed
nanomoles Phosphorus/hour/colony |
no_bcodmo_term |
Trich_AP_puff |
Trichodesmium AP Activity - Puffs
nanomoles Phosphorus/hour/colony |
no_bcodmo_term |
Trich_AP_raft |
Trichodesmium AP Activity - Rafts
nanomoles Phosphorus/hour/colony |
no_bcodmo_term |
light_insitu |
in situ light level
microEinsteins |
no_bcodmo_term |
light_incub |
incubation light level
microEinsteins |
no_bcodmo_term |
temp_incub |
incubation temperature
degrees Celsius |
temp_inc |
Nfix_colony_1 |
N fixation rate - colony 1
nanomoles Nitrogen/hour/colony |
no_bcodmo_term |
Nfix_colony_1_sig |
significance code: see codes in Processing section
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
Nfix_colony_2 |
N fixation rate - colony 2
nanomoles Nitrogen/hour/colony |
no_bcodmo_term |
Nfix_colony_2_sig |
significance code: see codes in Processing section
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
Nfix_colony_3 |
N fixation rate - colony 3
nanomoles Nitrogen/hour/colony |
no_bcodmo_term |
Nfix_colony_3_sig |
significance code: see codes in Processing section
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
Nfix_colony_avg |
average colony nitrogen fixation rate
nanomoles Nitrogen/hour/colony |
no_bcodmo_term |
Nfix_colony_avg_sd |
standard deviation of colony average nitrogen fixation rate
nanomoles Nitrogen/hour/colony |
std_dev |
num_rafts_1 |
number rafts - replicate 1
rafts |
count |
num_rafts_2 |
number rafts - replicate 2
rafts |
count |
num_rafts_3 |
number rafts - replicate 3
rafts |
count |
num_puffs_1 |
number puffs - replicate 1
puffs |
count |
num_puffs_2 |
number puffs - replicate 2
puffs |
count |
num_puffs_3 |
number puffs - replicate 3
puffs |
count |
Nfix_C_1 |
nitrogen fixation rate - replicate 1
micromoles Nitrogen/hour/mole Carbon |
no_bcodmo_term |
Nfix_C_1_sig |
significance code: see codes in Processing section
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
Nfix_C_2 |
nitrogen fixation rate - replicate 2
micromoles Nitrogen/hour/mole Carbon |
no_bcodmo_term |
Nfix_C_2_sig |
significance code: see codes in Processing section
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
Nfix_C_3 |
nitrogen fixation rate - replicate 3
micromoles Nitrogen/hour/mole Carbon |
no_bcodmo_term |
Nfix_C_3_sig |
significance code: see codes in Processing section
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
Nfix_C_avg |
average nitrogen fixation rate
micromoles Nitrogen/hour/mole Carbon |
no_bcodmo_term |
Nfix_C_sd |
standard deviation of nitrogen fixation rate
micromoles Nitrogen/hour/mole Carbon |
std_dev |
expt_code |
experimental treatment code. See notes (pdf) in Processing section
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
Nfix_exp_colony_1 |
experimental nitrogen fixation rate - colony 1
nanomoles Nitrogen/hour/colony |
no_bcodmo_term |
Nfix_exp_colony_2 |
experimental nitrogen fixation rate - colony 2
nanomoles Nitrogen/hour/colony |
no_bcodmo_term |
Nfix_exp_colony_3 |
experimental nitrogen fixation rate - colony 3
nanomoles Nitrogen/hour/colony |
no_bcodmo_term |
Nfix_exp_colony_avg |
average colony experimental nitrogen fixation rate
nanomoles Nitrogen/hour/colony |
no_bcodmo_term |
Nfix_exp_colony_sd |
standard deviation of colony experimental nitrogen fixation rate
nanomoles Nitrogen/hour/colony |
std_dev |
Nfix_exp_C_1 |
experimental nitrogen fixation rate - replicate 1
micromoles Nitrogen/hour/mole Carbon |
no_bcodmo_term |
Nfix_exp_C_2 |
experimental nitrogen fixation rate - replicate 2
micromoles Nitrogen/hour/mole Carbon |
no_bcodmo_term |
Nfix_exp_C_2_sig |
significance note: see codes in Processing section
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
Nfix_exp_C_3 |
experimental nitrogen fixation rate - replicate 3
micromoles Nitrogen/hour/mole Carbon |
no_bcodmo_term |
Nfix_exp_C_avg |
average experimental nitrogen fixation rate
micromoles Nitrogen/hour/mole Carbon |
no_bcodmo_term |
Nfix_exp_C_sd |
standard deviation of experimental nitrogen fixation rate
micromoles Nitrogen/hour/mole Carbon |
std_dev |
num_rafts_exp_1 |
number of rafts in experimental treatment - replicate 1
rafts |
count |
num_rafts_exp_2 |
number of rafts in experimental treatment - replicate 2
rafts |
count |
num_rafts_exp_3 |
number of rafts in experimental treatment - replicate 3
rafts |
count |
num_puffs_exp_1 |
number of puffs in experimental treatment - replicate 1
puffs |
count |
num_puffs_exp_2 |
number of puffs in experimental treatment - replicate 2
puffs |
count |
num_puffs_exp_3 |
number of puffs in experimental treatment - replicate 3
puffs |
count |
CNMolarC_N_id |
molar carbon to nitrogen ratio identification codes???
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
C_exp_colony |
carbon content per colony in experimental treatment
micromoles Carbon |
no_bcodmo_term |
N_exp_colony |
nitrogen content per colony in experimental treatment
micromoles Nitrogen |
no_bcodmo_term |
C_to_N_exp_colony |
carbon to nitrogen ratio per colony in experimental treatment
unitless |
C_to_N |
num_colony_puff |
number of puff colony forms
colonies |
count |
num_colony_raft |
number of raft colony forms
colonies |
count |
num_colong_bow |
number of bowtie colony forms
colonies |
count |
num_colony_totl |
number of total colony forms
colonies |
count |
filament_free |
number of free filaments
filaments |
count |
vol_filt_colony_filamt |
volume filtered for colonies and filaments
liters |
vol_filt |
ISODateTime_UTC |
Date/Time (UTC) ISO formatted. E.g., 2009-08-30T14:05:00[.xx]Z (UTC time)
ISO_DateTime_UTC |