date |
sampling date
mm/dd/yyyy |
date |
year |
year of sampling
yyyy |
year |
month |
month of sampling
1 to 12 |
month |
day |
day of sampling
1 to 31 |
day |
yrday |
yearday of sampling; e.g. 1.5 means January 1 at 1200 hours (noon time)
1 to 365 |
yrday |
site |
sample location identification
unitless |
site |
lat |
latitude; north is postive
decimal degrees |
lat |
lon |
longitude; east is postive
decimal degrees |
lon |
distance |
distance from the vent site
centimeters |
no_bcodmo_term |
depth_cm |
sampling depth
centimeters |
depth |
sample_descrip |
brief description of the sample name
text |
sample_descrip |
sample_id |
sample code
alphanumeric |
sample |
temp |
temperature at sampling location
degrees Celsius |
temp |
activity |
vent or subaerial
text |
no_bcodmo_term |
Li |
Lithium ion concentration as measured by the ICW lab
millimoles |
no_bcodmo_term |
Na |
Sodium ion concentration as measured by the ICW lab
millimoles |
no_bcodmo_term |
NH4 |
Ammonium ion concentration as measured by the ICW lab
millimoles |
NH4 |
K |
Potassium ion concentration as measured by the ICW lab
millimoles |
no_bcodmo_term |
Mg_IC |
Magnesium ion concentration as measured by the ICW lab
millimoles |
no_bcodmo_term |
Mg_USC |
Magnesium ion concentration as measured by the USC lab
millimoles |
no_bcodmo_term |
Ca_IC |
Calcium ion concentration as measured by the ICW lab
millimoles |
no_bcodmo_term |
Ca_USC |
Calcium ion concentration as measured by the USC lab
millimoles |
no_bcodmo_term |
Cl |
Chloride ion concentration as measured by the ICW lab
millimoles |
no_bcodmo_term |
Br |
Bromide ion concentration as measured by the ICW lab
millimoles |
no_bcodmo_term |
F |
Flouride ion concentration as measured by the ICW lab
millimoles |
no_bcodmo_term |
NO3 |
Nitrate concentration as measured by the ICW lab
millimoles |
NO3 |
PO4 |
Phosphate concentration as measured by the ICW lab
millimoles |
PO4 |
SO4 |
Sulphate concentration as measured by the ICW lab
millimoles |
SO4 |
Sr |
Strontium ion concentration as measured by the USC lab
micromoles |
trace_metal_conc |
Cs |
Cesium ion concentration as measured by the USC lab
micromoles |
trace_metal_conc |
Rb |
Rubidium ion concentration as measured by the USC lab
micromoles |
trace_metal_conc |
Ba |
Barium ion concentration as measured by the USC lab
micromoles |
Ba |
Mn |
Manganese ion concentration as measured by the USC lab
micromoles |
trace_metal_conc |
Fe |
Iron ion concentration as measured by the USC lab
micromoles |
Fe |
Ni |
Nickel ion concentration as measured by the USC lab
micromoles |
trace_metal_conc |
Cu |
Copper ion concentration as measured by the USC lab
micromoles |
trace_metal_conc |
Si |
Silicon ion concentration as measured by the USC lab
micromoles |
trace_metal_conc |