Larvae were obtained from brooding colonies coral S. caliendrum collected from 5 to 7 m deep on Hobihu Reef, Nanwan Bay, in March and June of 2010, placed into individual flow-through seawater tanks. Overflow water from each tank passed through mesh-lined (110 mm) cups that captured larvae. Following collection, larvae were settled onto clean pre-weighed glass microscope coverslips. Coverslips with coral recruits (n=18: experiment I; n=36: experiment II) were assigned randomly to the pCO2 treatments.
In experiment I, treatments consisted of steady ambient pCO2, steady high pCO2 and diurnally oscillating pCO2 on a natural phase; this design was augmented in experiment II by including a diurnally oscillating pCO2 on a reverse phase.
Upon completion of the experiments, coverslips with coral recruits were placed in bleach (6% NaOCl) for 8 h to dissolve the tissue on the small corals and leave behind the CaCO3 skeleton. Coverslips were then rinsed with deionized water to remove the bleach and air-dried for 24 h at approximately 278C. Calcification was measured using the summed weight of the CaCO3 deposited by recruits on each coverslip and also as the planar area of the basal plate of each recruit. Coverslips without recruits but subjected to identical treatments served as procedural controls, and these did not change in weight in either experiment. In experiment I, the change in weight of each coverslip was divided by the number of corallites to provide a mean weight that was used as a statistical replicate. As some (approx. 5%) recruits died during the experiment, this technique slightly underestimated calcification.To remove this bias in experiment II, only recruits alive at the end of the experiment were used for growth measurements.
For detailed description of methods, see Dufault et al. (2012), Proc. R. Soc. B. doi:10.1098/rspb.2011.2545