16S amplicon DNA sequences to the Sequence Read Archive (SRA) at the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) under Accession SAMN02863536-SAMN02863970.
Metatranscriptomic sequence data to the BioProject Archive at NCBI under Accession PRJNA222777.
Lee, D. Y., M. S. Owens, B. C. Crump, and J. C. Cornwell. 2014. The Effects of Oxygen Transition on Community Respiration and Potential Chemoautotrophic Production in a Seasonally Stratified Anoxic Estuary. Estuaries and Coasts. DOI 10.1007/s12237-014-9803-8.
Hewson, I., E. Eggleston, M. Doherty, D. Y. Lee, M. Owens, J. P. Shipleigh, J. C. Cornwell, and B. C. Crump. 2014. Metatranscriptomic analyses of plankton communities inhabiting surface and sub-pycnocline waters of the Chesapeake Bay during oxic-anoxic-oxic transitions. Applied And Environmental Microbiology 80:328-338.
DMO notes:
Format or vocabulary adjustments to metadata primarily involved controlling the vocabulary and adding UNOLS names for the cruises.
Date changed to date_local
Time -> time_local
Vessel -> platform
Cruise -> cruise [Inserted cruise_new to give column for UNOLS name]
Lowercase Filtered, Cast, Depth [added cast_new to separate alpha and numeric for mapper]
Abbreviated Latitude, Longiture, Conductivity, Temperature, Salinity, Fluorescence
Decoded Oxygen1 -> O2_conc and Oxygen2 -> O2_rate
In keeping with BCO-DMO best practices, ISODateTime has been added as a formatted time column. At this time it is local time.