date |
Date (utc)
mm/dd/yyyy |
date |
time |
Time (utc)
time |
yrday_gmt |
GMT day and decimal time; as 326.5 for the 326th day of the year or November 22 at 1200 hours (noon).
unitless |
yrday_gmt |
lat |
Latitude; south is negative
decimal degrees |
lat |
lon |
Longitude; west is negative
decimal degrees |
lon |
speed |
Speed through the water
knots |
no_bcodmo_term |
head |
Ship's heading
degrees true |
heading |
cog |
GPS course over ground
degrees |
cog |
sog |
GPS speed over ground
knots |
sog |
temp_air_p |
Air temperature from port side using WXT520
degrees C |
temp_air |
temp_air_s |
Air temperature from starboard side using WXT520
degrees C |
temp_air |
press_bar_p |
Barometric pressure from port side using WXT520
unitless |
press_bar |
press_bar_s |
Barometric pressure from starboard side using WXT520
unitless |
press_bar |
rain_intensity_p |
Rain intensity from port side using WXT520
mm/h |
precip_rate |
rain_intensity_s |
Rain intensity from starboard side using WXT520
mm/h |
precip_rate |
rain_accum_p |
Rain accumulation from port side using WXT520
mm |
precip_level |
rain_accum_s |
Rain accumulation from starboard side using WXT520
mm |
precip_level |
wind_dir_r_p |
Relative wind direction from port side using WXT520
degrees |
wind_dir_r |
wind_dir_r_s |
Relative wind direction from starboard side using WXT520
degrees |
wind_dir_r |
wind_speed_r_p |
Relative wind speed from port side using WXT520
m/sec |
wind_speed_r |
wind_speed_r_s |
Relative wind speed from starboard side using WXT520
m/sec |
wind_speed_r |
humidity_p |
Relative humidity from port side using WXT520
percent |
humidity |
humidity_s |
Relative humidity from starboard side using WXT520
percent |
humidity |
wind_speed_c_p |
True wind speed from port side
m/s |
wind_speed_c |
wind_speed_c_s |
True wind speed from starboard side
m/s |
wind_speed_c |
wind_dir_c_p |
True wind direction from port side
deg |
wind_dir_c |
wind_dir_c_s |
True wind direction from starboard side
deg |
wind_dir_c |
radiation_s |
IMET shortwave radiation
watts/square meter |
radiation_s |
radiation_l |
Longwave radiation
watts/square meter |
radiation_l |
par |
Photosyntheticly Active Radiation; not collected
uE/cm^2/sec |
sal_ss |
Sea surface salinity
psu |
sal_ss |
temp_ss |
Sea surface temperature
degrees C |
flvolt |
milliVolts |
flvolt |
sound_vel |
Sound velocity
meters/second |
sound_vel |
ISO_DateTime_UTC |
Date/Time (UTC) ISO formatted
yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS[.xx]Z |
ISO_DateTime_UTC |