Note: some cast numbers may be missing/skipped for a given station because of aborted casts.
Header information from Sea-Bird SBE 9 Data File:
Software Version Seasave V 7.21k
Temperature SN = 1489; Conductivity SN = 1176
Number of Bytes Per Scan = 41; Number of Voltage Words = 4
Number of Scans Averaged by the Deck Unit = 1
SBE 11plus V 5.2
number of scans to average = 1; pressure baud rate = 9600; NMEA baud rate = 4800
GPIB address = 1
advance primary conductivity 0.073 seconds
advance secondary conductivity 0.073 seconds
autorun on power up is disabled
units = specified
name 0 = scan: Scan Count
name 1 = prDM: Pressure, Digiquartz [db]
name 2 = t068C: Temperature [ITS-68, deg C]
name 3 = c0S/m: Conductivity [S/m]
name 4 = sbeox0Mm/Kg: Oxygen, SBE 43 [umol/Kg]
name 5 = flECO-AFL: Fluorescence, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL [mg/m^3]
name 6 = CStarAt0: Beam Attenuation, WET Labs C-Star [1/m]
name 7 = nbf: Bottles Fired
name 8 = sal00: Salinity, Practical [PSU]
name 9 = sigma-é00: Density [sigma-theta, Kg/m^3]
name 10 = potemp090C: Potential Temperature [ITS-90, deg C]
name 11 = scan: Scan Count
name 12 = t168C: Temperature, 2 [ITS-68, deg C]
name 13 = c1S/m: Conductivity, 2 [S/m]
name 14 = sbeox1Mm/Kg: Oxygen, SBE 43, 2 [umol/Kg]
name 15 = flSP: Fluorescence, Seapoint
name 16 = sal11: Salinity, Practical, 2 [PSU]
name 17 = sigma-é11: Density, 2 [sigma-theta, Kg/m^3]
name 18 = potemp168C: Potential Temperature, 2 [ITS-68, deg C]
name 19 = par: PAR/Irradiance, Biospherical/Licor
name 20 = nbin: number of scans per bin
name 21 = flag: flag
span 0 =6985, 37235
span 1 =2.000, 800.000
span 2 =5.0419, 26.5629
span 3 =3.335783, 5.502325
span 4 =31.444, 198.040
span 5 =0.0100, 0.4971
span 6 =-0.0571, 0.0100
span 7 =0, 0
span 8 =34.0618, 35.3564
span 9 =23.0269, 27.2279
span 10 =4.9751, 26.5547
span 11 =6985, 37235
span 12 =5.0415, 26.5595
span 13 =3.335901, 5.501779
span 14 =30.989, 206.103
span 15 =5.1724e-02, 5.0659e-01
span 16 =34.1016, 35.3541
span 17 =23.0310, 27.2294
span 18 =4.9758, 26.5577
span 19 =9.5884e-02, 3.8336e+02
span 20 =1, 47
span 21 =0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00
interval = decibars: 1
bad_flag = -9.990e-29
Sensors count="13"
Sensor Channel 1: Frequency 0, Temperature; SensorID=55; Serial Number: 1489
Calibration Date: 01-Nov-12
UseG_J: 1
A: 0.00000000e+000; B: 0.00000000e+000; C: 0.00000000e+000; D: 0.00000000e+000; F0_Old: 0.000
G: 4.78324023e-003
H: 6.52533514e-004
I: 2.17843448e-005
J: 1.47229280e-006
F0: 1000.000
Slope: 1.00000000; Offset: 0.0000
Sensor Channel 2: Frequency1, Conductivity; Sensor ID=3; Serial Number: 1176
Calibration Date: 24-Oct-12
UseG_J: 1
<!-- Cell const and series R are applicable only for wide range sensors. -->
Series R: 0.0000
Cell Const: 2000.0000
Conductivity Type: 0
Coefficients equation=0
A: 0.00000000e+000; B: 0.00000000e+000; C: 0.00000000e+000; D: 0.00000000e+000; M: 0.0
CPcor: -9.57000000e-008
Coefficients equation=1
G: -4.05760658e+000; H: 5.58151895e-001; I: 1.19301041e-004; J: 2.48712115e-005
CPcor: -9.57000000e-008
CTcor: 3.2500e-006
<!-- WBOTC not applicable unless ConductivityType = 1. -->
WBOTC: 0.00000000e+000
Slope: 1.00000000; Offset: 0.00000
Sensor Channel 3: Frequency2, Pressure, Digiquartz with TC; Sensor ID=45; Serial Number: 0310
Calibration Date: 14-Aug-12
C1: -3.928393e+004; C2: 1.087860e+000; C3: 1.199240e-002
D1: 3.882500e-002; D2: 0.000000e+000
T1: 3.029977e+001; T2: 4.275780e-005; T3: 4.335010e-006; T4: 2.205920e-009
Slope: 0.99982291; Offset: -3.07238
T5: 0.000000e+000
AD590M: 1.151000e-002
AD590B: -8.749880e+000
Sensor Channel 4: Frequency3, Temperature, 2; Sensor ID=55; Serial Number: 1503
Calibration Date: 02-Apr-13
UseG_J: 1
A: 0.00000000e+000; B: 0.00000000e+000; C: 0.00000000e+000; D: 0.00000000e+000; F0_Old: 0.000
G: 4.35232305e-003
H: 6.46632031e-004
I: 2.24386514e-005
J: 1.95656353e-006
F0: 1000.000
Slope: 1.00000000; Offset: 0.0000
Sensor Channel 5: Frequency4, Conductivity, 2; Sensor ID=3; Serial Number: 3977
Calibration Date: 31-Jan-13
UseG_J: 1
<!-- Cell const and series R are applicable only for wide range sensors. -->
Series R: 0.0000
CellConst: 2000.0000
ConductivityType: 0
Coefficients equation=0
A: 0.00000000e+000; B: 0.00000000e+000; C: 0.00000000e+000; D: 0.00000000e+000; M: 0.0
CPcor: -9.57000000e-008
Coefficients equation=1
G: -9.93055578e+000
H: 1.32723802e+000
I: -1.01831158e-003
J: 1.37808089e-004
CPcor: -9.57000000e-008
CTcor: 3.2500e-006
<!-- WBOTC not applicable unless ConductivityType = 1. -->
WBOTC: 0.00000000e+000
Slope: 1.00000000; Offset: 0.00000
Sensor Channel 6: A/D voltage 0, Oxygen, SBE 43; Sensor ID=38; Serial Number: 2215
Calibration Date: 07-Aug-12
Use2007Equation: 1
CalibrationCoefficients equation=0
<!-- Coefficients for Owens-Millard equation. -->
Boc: 0.0000
Soc: 0.0000e+000
offset: 0.0000
Pcor: 0.00e+000
Tcor: 0.0000
Tau: 0.0
CalibrationCoefficients equation=1
<!-- Coefficients for Sea-Bird equation - SBE calibration in 2007 and later. -->
Soc: 5.1293e-001
offset: -0.4912
A: -2.3087e-003
B: 5.6369e-005
C: -1.0582e-006
D0: 2.5826e+000
D1: 1.92634e-004
D2: -4.64803e-002
E: 3.6000e-002
Tau20: 2.0000
H1: -3.3000e-002
H2: 5.0000e+003
H3: 1.4500e+003
Sensor Channel 7: A/D voltage 1, Oxygen, SBE 43, 2; Sensor ID=38; Serial Number: 2194
Calibration Date: 28-Aug-12
Use2007Equation: 1
CalibrationCoefficients equation=0
<!-- Coefficients for Owens-Millard equation. -->
Boc: 0.0000
Soc: 0.0000e+000
offset: 0.0000
Pcor: 0.00e+000
Tcor: 0.0000
Tau: 0.0
CalibrationCoefficients equation=1
<!-- Coefficients for Sea-Bird equation - SBE calibration in 2007 and later. -->
Soc: 5.4510e-001
offset: -0.5002
A: -2.0842e-003
B: 3.3140e-005
C: -3.9685e-007
D0: 2.5826e+000
D1: 1.92634e-004
D2: -4.64803e-002
E: 3.6000e-002
Tau20: 1.4500
H1: -3.3000e-002
H2: 5.0000e+003
H3: 1.4500e+003
Sensor Channel 8: A/D voltage 2, Fluorometer, Seapoint; Sensor ID=11; Serial Number: 2440
Calibration Date: 30-Apr-13
<!-- The following is an array index, not the actual gain setting. -->
GainSetting: 0; Offset: 0.000
Sensor Channel 9: A/D voltage 3, PAR/Irradiance, Biospherical/Licor; Sensor ID=42; Serial Number: 70307
Calibration Date: 04-Feb-13
M: 1.00000000
B: 0.00000000
Calibration Constant: 10718113612.00428000
Multiplier: 1.00000000
Offset: 0.00083970
Sensor Channel 10: A/D voltage 4, Fluorometer, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL; Sensor ID=20; Serial Number: 1303
Calibration Date: 15-Mar-13
Scale Factor: 6.00000000e+000
<!-- Dark output -->
Vblank: 0.0580
Sensor Channel 11: A/D voltage 5, Turbidity Meter, WET Labs, ECO-NTU; Sensor ID=67; Serial Number: 1303
Calibration Date: 15-Mar-13
ScaleFactor: 2.000000
<!-- Dark output -->
DarkVoltage: 0.083000
Sensor Channel 12: A/D voltage 6, Transmissometer, WET Labs C-Star; Sensor ID=71; Serial Number: CST-1366DR
Calibration Date: 13-Mar-13
M: 21.5749
B: -0.0789
Path Length: 0.250
Sensor Channel13 : <!-- A/D voltage 7, Free -->