stage |
Life stage of fish upon collection. Larva = late stage larva caught in light trap; Juvenile = < 1 month old juvenile collected during visual survey.
text |
stage |
date_collected |
Year-month-day of collection written as YYYYMMDD.
unitless |
date |
collection |
For larvae this refers to light trap number fish was collected in. For juveniles this refers to habitat of survey and collection: 1 = reef habitat; 2 = rubble habitat.
integer |
no_bcodmo_term |
site_name |
Name of the site.
text |
site |
site_code |
Code that refers to the site of the survey and collection located off of the upper Florida Keys. FR = French Reef; MO = Molasses Reef; PI = Pickles Reef; SI = Sand Island Reef; TR = Triangles; WB = White Banks.
text |
Site_ID |
site_lat |
Latitude of the site in degrees north.
decimal degrees |
lat |
site_lon |
Longitude of the site in degrees west.
decimal degrees |
lon |
sample |
The sample number of the individual fish in the collection.
integer |
sample |
std_length |
Standard length.
millimeters (mm) |
fish_len |
monthly_cohort |
Month and two digit year of collection.
mon-yr |
no_bcodmo_term |
site_descrip |
Description of location of survey and collection sites; offshore = reefs that part of the bank reef tract; inshore = reefs that are inshore patch reefs; only applies to juveniles.
text |
site_descrip |
collect_catch_or_density |
For larvae this refers to total light trap catch; for juveniles this refers to collection density estimated from 15 5 x 1 m transects and then converted to number of juvenile fish per meter-squared.
numeric |
no_bcodmo_term |
pel_larv_dur |
Pelagic larval duration in days which was estimated from the number of daily larval otolith increments.
number of days |
no_bcodmo_term |
juv_age |
Juvenile age in days, which was estimated from the number of daily juvenile otolith increments.
days |
age |
date_hatched |
Date of hatching which was estimated by subtracting PLD and Juv Age from Collect Date. in the format YYYYMMDD
unitless |
date |
date_spawn |
Date of spawning which was estimated by subtracting 4 days from Hatch Date. in the format YYYYMMDD
unitless |
date |
lunar_day_spawn |
Lunar day of spawning which was assigned based on Spawn Date with day 1 corresponding to the new moon; day 8 corresponding to the 1st quarter; day 15 corresponding to the full moon; and day 23 corresponding to the 3rd quarter
integer |
no_bcodmo_term |
lunar_phase_spawn |
Lunar phase of spawning which was assigned based on Lunar Day with 1st quarter moon: days 5-11; 2nd quarter/full moon: days 12-18; 3rd quarter moon: days 19-26; 4th quarter/new moon: days 27-4.
ordinal |
no_bcodmo_term |
date_settled |
Date of settlement which was estimated by subtracting Juv Age from Collect Date. in the format YYYYMMDD
unitless |
date |
lunar_day_settled |
Lunar day of settlement which was assigned based on Settle Date with day 1 corresponding to the new moon; day 8 corresponding to the 1st quarter; day 15 corresponding to the full moon; and day 23 corresponding to the 3rd quarter.
integer |
no_bcodmo_term |
lunar_phase_settled |
Lunar phase of settlement which was assigned based on Lunar Day with 1st quarter moon: days 5-11; 2nd quarter/full moon: days 12-18; 3rd quarter moon: days 19-26; 4th quarter/new moon: days 27-4.
ordinal |
no_bcodmo_term |
tidal_day_settled |
Tidal amplitude day of settlement which was assigned based Settle Date with day 1 corresponding to the maximum tidal amplitude closest to the new moon.
? |
no_bcodmo_term |
larval_radius |
Otolith radius in um at the last daily larval otolith increment.
micrometers (um) |
no_bcodmo_term |
settle_radius |
Otolith radius in um at the settlement otolith increment.
micrometers (um) |
no_bcodmo_term |
otolith_radius |
Otolith radius in um to the edge of the otolith.
micrometers (um) |
no_bcodmo_term |
larval_growth_avg |
Mean daily larval otolith increment width in um.
micrometers (um) |
growth |
juv_growth_avg |
Mean daily juvenile otolith increment width in um.
micrometers (um) |
growth |
juv_growth_1_2_d_avg |
Mean daily juvenile otolith increment width over the first 2 days post-settlement in um.
micrometers (um) |
growth |
temp_larval |
Mean water temperature at 21 m depth at Conch Reef in the upper Florida Keys averaged over the larval period of each Monthly Cohort.
degrees Celsius (?) |
no_bcodmo_term |
temp_juv |
Mean water temperature at 21 m depth at Conch Reef in the upper Florida Keys averaged over the juvenile period of each Monthly Cohort.
degrees Celsius (?) |
no_bcodmo_term |
density_juv |
Density of juvenile conspecifics (20-30 mm SL) estimated from 15 5 x 1 m transects and then converted to number of fish per meter-squared; only surveyed in 2007 and 2008.
number of fish per square meter (fish/m^2) |
no_bcodmo_term |
density_int |
Density of intermediate conspecifics (30-50 mm SL) estimated from 15 5 x 1 m transects and then converted to number of fish per meter-squared; only surveyed in 2007 and 2008.
number of fish per square meter (fish/m^2) |
no_bcodmo_term |
density_adult |
Density of adult conspecifics ( > 50 mm SL) estimated from 15 5 x 1 m transects and then converted to number of fish per meter-squared; only surveyed in 2007 and 2008.
number of fish per square meter (fish/m^2) |
no_bcodmo_term |