BCO-DMO Processing Notes:
-Added BCO-DMO header information
record 476254-476255 (klr.49, physalia sp.) both have "None" as values for almost all fields.
precision varies greatly within parameters and over the time series.
Ran a script to edit the following in in all text fields:
- Output was tab-delimited file
- spaces were edited to underscores
- commas edited to semicolons
- "?" was edited to unknown
- missing data fields were edited to 'nd'.
Also edited the following:
- resolved/edited all special characters associated with foreign language/names
- Separated day from variably-formatted date and served month day and year separately.
- edited precision of density (calculated field)
- Separated compound Project names into Project and Sub-pProject names (i.e., created column 'sub-project')
-Many text fields were too large to serve online, and were therefore edited to abbreviate information, create a consistent format, and correct found errors. Original values were retained in the file: jedi_term_legend.txt
Formatting of names was highly variable/inconsistent. Therefore, the parameters 'owner_dataset' and 'contact' were edited as follows:
-Last name was put first with underscore, then first initial. If first/last names were indistinquishable, and no comma or semicolon was present, then first name in cell was considered the first name of individual and moved to just initial after the second name, assumed to be last name.
-More than three names in a cell was abbreviated to lastname_firstinitial_et_al
-Removed all puncuation (e.g., commas, semicolons, appostrophies and ampersands)
-Removed titles (e.g., Dr.)
When editing location names:
- Abbreviations were made where possible, in addition to camel case for two-word water body names.
- Commas were edited to semicolons for distinguishing between multiple location names
- As per PI, the following parameters were removed from the original file (empty fields):
Sea surface temperature, Temperature at collection depth, Temperature at maximum depth, Sea surface salinity, Salinity at collection depth, Salinity at maximum depth, Dissolved oxygen at surface, Dissolved oxygen at collection depth, Dissolved oxygen at maximum depth, Chlorophyll at surface, Chlorophyll at maximum depth, Chlorophyll at collection depth, Fluorescence at surface, Fluorescence at collection depth, Fluorescence at maximum depth, Transmissivity at surface, Transmissivity at collection depth, Transmissivity at maximum depth, pH at surface, pH at collection depth, pH at maximum depth, JEDI internal reference number, Depth integrated carbon, Depth integrated nitrogen, Depth integrated protein, Morpho metadata file ID.
- Removed all duplicate records (lines).