Data read from SeaBird SMP37 ascii format downloaded from each CTD.
Quality control (QC) steps applied to CTD data using flag of Not-a-Number (NaN) are as follows:
1. removed data when bottom frame not at deployment depth (trim beginning and end values)
2. evaluate sensors (cond, depth, temperature within tolerances), and flagged when outside tolerance
3. manually flagged data when particular sensor exhibited obvious biofouling or failure.
a. Specifically for LB1 CTD at 30m the conductivity cell was fouled on Feb 12, 2012
After QC, salinity (sal) converted from conductivity using PSS-78, water density (dens) calculated from Absolute Salinity, in situ temperature and pressure using TEOS-10 and depth from pressure at the original sampling interval of 300 seconds (5min). These conversions and derived density were calculated using gsw Oceanographic Toolbox (version 3.01) for MATLAB (IOC, SCOR and IAPSO, 2010).
Normally, density should not be archived with data submission to national repository. However since this parameter is integral to the main study, density is being reported with other measured parameters but with caveat that it is derived based on TEOS-10.
IOC, SCOR and IAPSO, 2010: The international thermodynamic equation of seawater - 2010: Calculation and use of thermodynamic properties. Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, Manuals and Guides No. 56, UNESCO (English), 196 pp. Available from
BCO-DMO Processing:
-extracted data from MatLab .mat files
-added conventional header with dataset name, PI name, version date
-renamed some parameters to BCO-DMO standard
-added mooring_id, latitude, longitude, yrday_utc and ISO_DateTime_UTC to served view
-reduced number of significant digits