Samples from host, Eunicea flexuosa,were amplified and sequenced following (Prada & Hellberg 2013). We amplified and sequenced Symbiodinium samples from Eunicea flexuosa, following earlier protocols [(LaJeunesse 2002) for ITS2; [(Moore et al. 2003) for psbA; (Santos et al. 2002) for cp23s-rDNA]. We also sequenced a subset of samples (42) from all populations (three locations and two depths) using the flanking region of the microsatellite B7SYM15, following previous procedures (Pettay & La- Jeunesse 2007). Amplicons were directly sequenced in both directions (except B7SYM15, forward only) in an ABI 3100 using BigDye chemistry v 3.1 and both amplification primers. The COI region from Symbiodinium from a western Pacific Cassiopea (obtained from Shedd Aquarium, Chicago, IL) was amplified and sequenced following Holland et al (2004).
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LaJeunesse TC (2002) Diversity and community structure of symbiotic dinoflagellates from Caribbean coral reefs. Marine Biology, 141, 387–400.
Moore RB, Ferguson KM, Loh WKW, Hoegh-Guldberg O, Carter DA (2003) Highly organized structure in the non-coding region of the psbA minicircle from clade C Symbiodinium. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 53, 1725–1734.
Pettay DT, LaJeunesse TC (2007) Microsatellites from clade B Symbiodinium spp. specialized for Caribbean corals in the genus Madracis. Molecular Ecology Notes, 7, 1271–1274.
Prada C, Hellberg ME (2013) Long pre-reproductive selection and divergence by depth in a Caribbean candelabrum coral. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 119, 53–60.
Santos SR, Taylor DJ, Kinzie RA, Hidaka M, Sakai K, Coffroth MA (2002) Molecular phylogeny of symbiotic dinoflagellates inferred from partial chloroplast large subunit 23sr DNA sequences. Molecular Phylogeetics and Evolution, 23, 97–111.