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Dataset: GT10-11 - cellular element quotas
Deployment: KN199-05

Element quotas of individual phytoplankton cells
Principal Investigator: 
Benjamin Twining (Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences)
BCO-DMO Data Manager: 
Nancy Copley (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, WHOI BCO-DMO)
Current State: 
Final no updates expected
Deployment Synonyms:
 GA03,  GT10,  USGT-NAT-2010,  KN199-5,  GNAT,  knorr199-4/5
Version Date: 

Individual phytoplankton cells were collected on the GEOTRACES North Atlantic Transect cruises were analyzed for elemental content using SXRF (Synchrotron radiation X-Ray Fluorescence). Carbon was calculated from biovolume using the relationships of Menden-Deuer & Lessard (2000). Trace metal concentrations are reported.

Download zipped images:
SXRF maps
SXRF spectra

Related references:

Menden-Deuer, S. and E. J. Lessard (2000). Carbon to volume relationships for dinoflagellates, diatoms, and other protist plankton. Limnology and Oceanography 45(3): 569-579.

* Twining, B. S., S. Rauschenberg, P. L. Morton, and S. Vogt. 2015. Metal contents of phytoplankton and labile particulate material in the North Atlantic Ocean. Progress in Oceanography 137: 261-283.)

More information about this dataset deployment