Sampling and Analytical Methodology:
These deployments followed the AZMP protocols (Mitchell et al. 2002) as a guideline. Using a 0.75 meter diameter SEA-GEAR Model 9600 twin ring, 200µm mesh net, two vertical casts were made to within 5 meters of the bottom at each station. Two replicate samples from separate casts were preserved in a 4% seawater-buffered formaldehyde solution. In the laboratory, all formalin preserved zooplankton samples were split in half using a Folsom Plankton Splitter. Half of the sample was archived for identification and enumeration of zooplankton, and the other half was processed for biomass determination. To estimate abundances the archival split was diluted and sub-sampled with a 5 mL Stempel pipette. Depending on abundance in the sample, multiple subsamples were taken until a target number of 75-150 C. finmarchicus copepodids were enumerated and staged and in addition at least 200 specimens in total were counted and identified to the lowest possible taxa.
Mitchell, M. R., G. Harrison, K. Pauley, A. Gagné, G. Maillet, and P. Strain. (2002) Atlantic Zonal Monitoring Program Sampling Protocol. Canadian Technical Report of Hydrography and Ocean Sciences 223.