Wiebe's hand-written notes from MOCNESS ship log book regarding tapes, etc.
8/8/03 NJC
Ship speed ~2 knots for all tows
Both Œ" and 9-track tape-recorded all tows.
KN71 Nov. 1977
M96 Slope water (15 deg. isotherm @ 43m), 1020m, day. 1st lowering this cruise. Clear sky,
bright & sunny. NR started at 10=n0, 1375 counter. Had problem with net 5-6 - computer failed
to read data lots ?--? Synch errors. Not sure why. No NR for n7. Looks like a good tow. No
header on tape (1/4"?)
M97 Slope (15 deg. isotherm @ 116m), 1020m, night. Good launch. CTD#1 taken just before
tow. No NR on net3 open/net2 close (net speed above 2.3 kts) No NR n5 close/n6 open (net
speed ~2.2 kts)
M98 Ring 'Emerson' center (15 deg. isotherm @ 250m), 1025m, night. Approx. start position
34 45N, 70 20W. Tape recorder on at 52m below surface, flow counter started at 0 when net
went into water - tape on flow read 25 counts. Very nice tow, good samples.
M99 Ring 'Emerson' center (15 deg. isotherm @ 255m), 1000m, day. Secchi depth 37.5-38
(observer=Cox). Broke wire connecting conductivity cable to pressure case - had to resplice. Did
chlorophyll profile just before this cast. Very nice tow all the way.
M100 Sargasso west of ring 'Frank', east of 'Emerson' (15 deg. isotherm @ 710m), 1000m,
night. Rough & stormy, moon peeking through mostly cloudy sky. New O2 membrane on this
dive. Started AQ, then at 240m went back in to ID (idle) to correct parameters for plotting. Sky
seemed to be clearing during tow - very nice tow. Secchi disc reading 10-31 at 1240 was 26 m
(observer=Cox). This was rough estimate due to rough sea state. Lowering made during shallow
CTD lowering.
M101 Sargasso west of ring 'Frank', east of 'Emerson' (15 deg. isotherm @ 705m), 1040m,
day/dusk. Nasty windy, cloudy day. This tow some 25-35 miles from night tow due to break
down of trawl winch on the previous night MOC-10 trawl. Coupling between AC and DC
generators for the winch broke.
M102 Ring 'Franklin' center (15 deg. isotherm @ 180m), 1020m, day. (1/4") Tape not recording
until 118m - forgot to plug in. N5 with 3 or so 2" to 4" hole 2/3 back towards cod-end - replaced
after this tow (mate says may have torn while going over side). Good tow except computer lost
synch at 60m. Secchi disk: 24.5m taken at 1130 (observer: Cox)
* Had been using out-of-date INIT and AQUI programs (developed prior to Dec. 1976 cruise
- KN62). These programs were used to process all the ENDEAVOR (#11) tapes and MOC-1
tows 96-102. Therefore, plots have no bias or offset corrections for depth, temp or
salinity. Data on the 9-track tape should be ok and later processing should not be
M103 Ring 'Franklin' center (15 deg. isotherm @ 175m), 1050m, night. Dark cloudy sky.
Numerous spurious net responses due to surge of ship but tow went quite well - no problems.
Used new computer program (March 30 1977).
*Text output on 9-track tapes shows change in pressure units from decibars to millibars (M104-
118) (njc)
M104 Sargasso east of ring 'Franklin' (15 deg. isotherm @ 700m), 1000m, night. Secchi depth
at 1205 4Oct77= 24m. Launch at dusk but sky quite dark and cloudy (broken clouds). Good tow.
Shallow meter net tow made during this tow had tremendous #'s of Euphausia brevis in it. During
the MOC-10 tow this night, neuston net missed them. Meter net which followed the neuston tow
caught them. One possible conclusion is that E. brevis does not quite come up into the surface
M105 Sargasso east of ring 'Franklin' - fringe (15 deg. isotherm @ 570m), 1020m, day. This
daytime tow was to take up time spent fixing CTD. Up at 15m/min. Bright sunny day; no clouds.
Note: wire meter reads -2 when MOC at 12 m depth.
M106 Sargasso east of ring 'Franklin' - fringe, 200m, day. Bright & sunny, with some high thin
clouds. End good shallow tow. Winch in at 5-6m/min. Secchi=34m (observer: Cox)
M107 6 Nov. 1977. Ring 'Franklin' fringe east (15 deg. isotherm @ 425m), 1000m, night.
Course for this tow unlike any of preceding; was into current of Gulf Stream remnant rather than
into wind. Had very hard time getting nets 1 and 2 to go fast enough and filter enough water in
designated depth. Volumes of water by nets seem questionable. I can't believe flow meter
speeds are right and the net is going as slow as it says it is. On surface, flow meter was not
operating properly. Repaired prior to next dive. Volume filtered values adjusted by hand
(probably not on tape). Speed of net through water was estimated from angle and then formula
applied: V=cos(AN)*1.4*speed*time.
Down at 40m/min.
M108 Ring 'Franklin' east fringe, (15 deg. isotherm @ 550m), 1013m, night. Flowmeter
repaired from breakdown on previous dive. Had very hard time getting net down to below 800m.
Last 200m down cast 600+ mwo. 865-595m depth up at 30m/min; then low to 20m/min.
M109 Ring 'Franklin' center (15 deg. isotherm @ 152m), 1000m, day. Sky cloudy with squalls.
Had trouble getting uniform sampling of depth intervals during haul up especially around n4. But
good tow anyway. Down at 30m/min to 784m then increase to 40m/min. [no note on up haul
M110 Ring 'Franklin' center (15 deg. isotherm @ 171m), 1000m, night. Dark night w/stars &
clouds. End perfect tow.
M111 Ring 'Franklin' fringe (15 deg. isotherm @ 198m), 1020m, night. Night w/stars, few
clouds and no moon. Had small amount of trouble with batteries but did not affect nets
M112 Ring 'Franklin' high velocity core, (15 deg. isotherm @ 374m), 1000m, night. Dark cloudy
night. Made 3 launches: 1st launch had problems: flowmeter stopped working - broken off mount
and hanging by electrical cable; 2nd launch: EO plug bent sideways and signal not being sent; 3rd
launch ok. Had 16 spurious NC at bottom of tow. At surface found that these commands actually
triggered the nets 1,2,3,4,5. Only nets 6,7,8 fished and they fished from 1000-850, 850-700, 700-
550m. [tow no good]
M113 Ring 'Franklin' fringe, (15 deg. isotherm @ 240m), 1000m, night. Dark, cloudy. Start
down at 1900 aborted because of NC spontaneously firing. After 2 hours of repair we put MOC-1
back over the side. Got a couple of spurious NC firings and repairs made (bad ground wire
where cable and slip rings attached to winch) Signal vastly improved. Also, Knorr having serious
problem with aft cycloid. This tow made using only the forward cycloid. Problems near surface
with NC's and spurious NR's but looks like good tow and samples. Caught Sargussum in n3 -
how did it get there?
M114 Ring 'Franklin' fringe, (15 deg. isotherm @ 277m), 1000m, night. Dark, cloudy.
Computer would not synch during down portion of tow; spurious NC's but good tow
M115 Gulf Stream, (15 deg. isotherm @ 392m), 1000m, day. Scattered clouds with bright
sunshine. Dark cloud overhead on up-trace at 1322. Good tow, no major problems. Net 3 has
small holes near cod-end.
M116 Slope Water, east of warm core ring 'Q', coastal water at surface (no 15 deg. isotherm),
1000m, night. Cloud free night, stars but moon setting in west as net going down. As net doing
down, say bright orange flare in sky. After tow, went over to see if people in distress. This tow
taken east of warn core ring in the apparent torque of coastal water entrained by wcr circulation.
Very nice tow.
M117 Slope Water, east of warm core ring 'Q', 1000m (no 15 deg. isotherm), day. Secchi disc
depth=14m at 1030 hrs at this station. Bright sunny day, very high thin clouds, hazy horizen.
Lots of trouble with computer, had to replay uptrace. Problem with TTY board interfacing deck
unit to computer.
M118 Warm core ring (15 deg. isotherm @ 355m), 1000m, night. Partly cloudy night but dark,
no moon. Lots of spurious NC's but ok tow. However, once nets on deck, found that we had lost
buckets 1,7,8 - too bad.