station |
Station number.
dimensionless |
station |
date |
Month, day, and year of sampling.
mm/dd/yy |
date |
time |
Time, in hours and minutes, of sampling.
time |
lat |
Latitude in decimal degrees North. (Negative values = South).
decimal degrees |
lat |
lon |
Longitude in decimal degrees East.
decimal degrees |
lon |
depth_mixed_layer |
Mixed layer calculated from sigma-t using ref depth = 32 m. Mixed layer depth at each station is defined as the closest depth to the surface at which sigma theta is greater by >= 0.03 kg m-3 than the value at a reference depth of 32 m (the shallowest depth common to every CTD station) (based on the criterion of de Boyer Montégut et al. (2004)).
meters |
depth_mixed_layer |
sample |
Sample ID number.
dimensionless |
sample |
depth |
Sample depth.
meters |
depth |
temp |
Water temperature.
degrees Celsius ( C) |
temp |
sal |
practical salinity units (psu) |
sal |
oxygen_corr |
Oxygen (corrected).
milliliters per liter (ml/l) |
O2_ml_L |
sigma_t |
Potential density (sigma-theta); calculated from temperature and salinity.
kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m^3) |
sigma_t |
NO3_NO2_mean |
Mean nitrate (NO3) plus nitrite (NO2) concentration of a sample in micromolar units.
micromolar (uM) |
NO3_NO2 |
NO3_NO2_stdev |
Standard deviation of the nitrate (NO3) plus nitrite (NO2) concentration of a sample in micromolar units.
micromolar (uM) |
std_dev |
d15N_NO3_NO2_mean |
delta 15N of NO3+NO2. d15N (‰ vs. AIR) is the nitrogen isotopic composition of a sample expressed in delta notation (in units of per mil) relative to atmospheric N2, where delta 15N = {[ (15N/14N)sample / (15N/14N)atmN2 ] – 1} × 1000.
per mil |
no_bcodmo_term |
d15N_NO3_NO2_stdev |
Standard deviation of d15N_NO3_NO2_mean.
per mil |
std_dev |
d18Ocorr_NO3_NO2_mean |
delta 18O of NO3+NO2. d18O (‰ vs. VSMOW) is the oxygen isotopic composition of a sample expressed in delta notation (in units of per mil) relative to Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water (VSMOW), where delta 18O = {[ (18O/16O)sample / (18O/16O)VSMOW ] – 1} × 1000.
per mil |
no_bcodmo_term |
d18O_NO3_NO2_stdev |
Standard deviation of d18O_NO3_NO2_mean.
per mil |
std_dev |
NO3_mean |
Mean nitrate (NO3) concentration of a sample in micromolar units, measured after nitrite (NO2) had been removed (using the protocol of Granger and Sigman (2009)).
micromolar (uM) |
NO3 |
NO3_stdev |
Standard deviation of the nitrate (NO3) concentration of a sample in micromolar units, measured after nitrite (NO2) had been removed (using the protocol of Granger and Sigman (2009)).
micromolar (uM) |
std_dev |
d15N_NO3_mean |
delta 15N of NO3. d15N (‰ vs. AIR) is the nitrogen isotopic composition of a sample expressed in delta notation (in units of per mil) relative to atmospheric N2, where delta 15N = {[ (15N/14N)sample / (15N/14N)atmN2 ] – 1} × 1000.
per mil |
d15N_NO3 |
d15N_NO3_stdev |
Standard deviation of d15N_NO3_mean.
per mil |
std_dev |
d18O_NO3_mean |
delta 18O of NO3. d18O (‰ vs. VSMOW) is the oxygen isotopic composition of a sample expressed in delta notation (in units of per mil) relative to Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water (VSMOW), where delta 18O = {[ (18O/16O)sample / (18O/16O)VSMOW ] – 1} × 1000.
per mil |
d18O_NO3 |
d18O_NO3_stdev |
Standard deviation of d18O_NO3_mean.
per mil |
std_dev |
month |
2-digit month of year.
mm (01 to 12) |
month |
day |
2-digit day of month.
dd (01 to 31) |
day |
year |
4-digit year.
year |
ISO_DateTime_UTC |
Date and time (UTC) formatted to ISO 8601 standard, where T indicates the start of the time string and Z indicates UTC.
YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS.xxZ |
ISO_DateTime_UTC |